Rule 1 - This is an adult forum intended for a mature audience. Members must be of legal age* to participate.
Rule 2 - Be courteous and considerate of your fellow board members. Refrain from picture and comment spamming, and keep conversations civil.
Rule 3 - This is not a practice board. You are expected to put your best effort into anything you post. Low-quality content may be hidden or deleted at the discretion of the admins. Repeat offenders may have posting privileges temporarily revoked.
Rule 4 - Do not post unfinished work to the front page. If you don't have time to finish, mark the image WIP and finish it later. Any unfinished work posted to the front page will be hidden. We don't want to hide your work and we don't want to suspend you!
If what you are about to submit isn't at the same quality level as the other stuff on the front page, please keep working on it until it is!
Rule 5 - Admins have the final word. If you have a problem with an administrative decision, a polite e-mail explaining the situation will not only be appreciated, but is 100% less likely to be ignored.
- This is an 18-and-over board*. Please don't apply if you are less than 18 years old.
- You can already comment anonymously. Please don't apply if you aren't prepared to draw.
- Fearsome is for oekaki artists with moderate to advanced skills. If you're not ready to draw at the same level as the other artists here yet, please keep working on it, but don't apply here until you are ready. We WILL NOT consider applications from anyone who can't show us work they've done in oekaki.
- Fearsome moderators are all unpaid volunteers. The easier you make it for us to find your oekaki artwork, the higher the chance that you will be accepted. Link us DIRECTLY to your oekaki art.
- If you link us to a gallery, it needs to be ENTIRELY or PRIMARILY oekaki art. Please understand that it can be difficult to see whether something is oekaki or not just by looking at a thumbnail. The reason why applications have historically sat in the queue for extended periods is that artists link us to their DA galleries, but we have to click tens of thumbnails to try to find which is oekaki and which is not. We simply cannot do that anymore. It just slows the process down too much, which is a bummer for everyone. Link us DIRECTLY to your oekaki drawings instead. You can post links in the comments field if you want to show us more than one picture.
- If it takes us more than 20 seconds to find actual oekaki drawings, we're probably going to reject your application.
- If you got rejected, and the reason is a link to this page, it means that you either didn't link us to your oekaki work at all, or that we found it unnecessarily difficult to find your work. You can reapply, but please link us directly to your work.
We will not review work done in other programs, on paper, etc. Oekaki has a learning curve, and while we know lots of artists out there will probably do OK with it, we really need to see that you can handle the program before you draw here. Google "practice oekaki" to find practice boards where you can jump in and practice to your heart's content.
*A note on legal ages:
All registered members of this board must be at least 18 years of age. Since this board is owned and operated within the United States, laws regarding the accessibility of adult material are unfortunately applicable to everyone.