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fearsome oekaki
Fearsome is in Low Power Mode!

What's that mean for you, discerning pixel poker? Most likely, what you see is what you get. Some parts of the site may not be working 100%, and there's a possibility that if it's broken, it might stay that way for a while.

If you can't log in to your account, drop a line. We should be able to reset your user flags.
If you can't get the applet to run, make sure your Java installation is up to date, and make sure you're drawing with ChickenPaint; the other applets are mostly deprecated, and might not successfully post your art (if you can even load them up at all). #fearsome

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[13898] [Comment] Artist: dfjkk | Title: ass sh | Time: 3h
Pic #4135

Chicken Paint

dfjkk @ Sunday, February 12th 2017, 9:46 AM
Gendaru @ Tuesday, February 14th 2017, 9:05 AM
Nice work. Is one of the applets working again?
dfjkk @ Tuesday, February 14th 2017, 3:18 PM
chickenpaint works just fine
davinci @ Tuesday, February 21st 2017, 12:38 AM
Nice.. yea they work.. but I cant upload them.. I have to screenprint when I use one.. I had to put this site in the firefox and java console security exceptions list and then at least chibi works.. (havent tried the others).. but I still get a java error when I go to send the pic.. don't know how to solve that issue..but screenprints work to save them.

(Edited on March 18, 2017, 2:26 am)

[13897] [Comment] Artist: RR | Title: No Title | Time: 2h 14m
Pic #4134

[View Animation]

RR @ Sunday, April 3rd 2016, 12:47 PM
davinci @ Tuesday, April 19th 2016, 7:24 AM
Cool piece Roy
Matt the Fish @ Sunday, October 9th 2016, 4:45 AM
This is pretty awesome!!

[13896] [Comment] Artist: Lament | Title: langstrump | Time: 47m 19s
Pic #4133

[View Animation]

Lament @ Sunday, March 27th 2016, 3:20 PM

[13895] [Comment] Artist: RR | Title: No Title | Time: 49m 8s
Pic #4132

[View Animation]

RR @ Sunday, December 27th 2015, 10:44 AM
Hello, hello.
rad @ Tuesday, January 26th 2016, 10:33 AM
Beautiful colors.

[13894] [Comment] Artist: sumohld | Title: Sktch | Time: 2h 16m
Pic #4131


sumohld @ Saturday, November 28th 2015, 5:07 PM

[13878] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Pearl Reluctance... | Time: 4h
Pic #4115

[View Animation]

E! @ Wednesday, August 19th 2015, 7:44 PM
She did it for her...and a lot more I bet.
S @ Monday, September 11th 2017, 5:05 PM
Ah,our lovely Pearl. :)

[13893] [Comment] Artist: sumohld | Title: cow | Time: 1h 49m
Pic #4130

ShiPainter Pro

sumohld @ Friday, August 14th 2015, 4:06 PM

[13891] [Comment] Artist: Phoot | Title: Taemora | Time: 4h 27m
Pic #4128

ShiPainter Pro
Phoot @ Thursday, July 23rd 2015, 1:24 PM
1000 years ago I used to draw here under the name Riedel. That name is stupid and it sounds silly.
This is Tae, one of Satori's RPG characters.
Gendaru @ Wednesday, July 29th 2015, 2:51 PM
Glad to see you again!
A treat for all, especially those who remember.
gd-kun @ Wednesday, July 29th 2015, 7:14 PM
Hey dude, welcome back!

[13887] [Comment] Artist: Gendaru | Title: No Title | Time: 16h 39m
Pic #4124


Gendaru @ Tuesday, June 23rd 2015, 6:08 PM
It looks like I still haven't forgotten how to do this. Unfortunately, I think it would be nigh impossible to complete a quality drawing if I didn't have administrative access. The applets here really don't play nicely with present-day Java.
gd-kun @ Wednesday, July 1st 2015, 7:57 AM
Lookin' good, Gen!

There's apparently been a lot of issues with the applets behaving poorly under the latest Java implementations... Spoke to Wac about it, but the prognosis is not great. Supposedly this is Oracle making Java "more secure".
Matt the Fish @ Saturday, July 4th 2015, 8:28 AM
man i missed your shiny and cute faces and stuff
Gendaru @ Sunday, July 5th 2015, 10:23 AM
More secure = more of a nightmare. As if it hasn't already been a nightmare since forever...

[13877] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Amethyst Rebellion... | Time: 4h 25m
Pic #4114

[View Animation]

E! @ Wednesday, May 6th 2015, 4:07 PM
Wanna see something cool..?

Figures that they've given each of the girls new forms and all, means I'll have to revisit them later and redraw them.
gd-kun @ Friday, May 15th 2015, 7:59 AM
Hahah, nice.

[13876] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Garnet Emergence... | Time: 3h 37m
Pic #4113

[View Animation]

E! @ Saturday, April 25th 2015, 7:48 AM
My gem is ready for some action. Let's fuuuuuuse.
Gendaru @ Monday, April 27th 2015, 8:27 PM
Oh, gawd yes. Two glorious posts in the same month. I'm feeling the urge to contribute...

[13874] [Comment] Artist: Satori | Title: Y HELO THAR | Time: 11h 34m
Pic #4111


Satori @ Thursday, April 23rd 2015, 9:59 AM
Shouldn't you be more worried about where your pants are, rabbit?

Gendaru @ Friday, April 24th 2015, 6:48 PM
This is delicious.
gd-kun @ Saturday, April 25th 2015, 9:22 AM
Hooray! Wait, no, come back!
t @ Saturday, May 16th 2015, 4:11 PM
i missed these and there should be more.
Matt the Fish @ Monday, May 25th 2015, 1:33 PM
oh wow hello satoriiii

[13868] [Comment] Artist: Danielle | Title: bad news betty | Time: 3h 32m
Pic #4105

[View Animation]

Danielle @ Sunday, February 22nd 2015, 11:06 PM
gettin' back into that oekaki swing
up next: porn!!!!

whoa, first post of the new year.
sigh. i really miss oekaki.
Gendaru @ Monday, February 23rd 2015, 1:38 PM
Hooray for this, and future porn! I love the old school halftones. I miss oekaki too ;_;
evschan @ Sunday, March 1st 2015, 1:29 AM
Moar of this pleaaaaase! D:
gd-kun @ Sunday, March 8th 2015, 3:35 PM
Yes, please.

[13866] [Comment] Artist: ironsketch | Title: Bikini lady | Time: 35m 13s
Pic #4103

ShiPainter Pro
[View Animation]

ironsketch @ Friday, December 5th 2014, 2:16 PM
simple drawing :3
Gendaru @ Monday, December 8th 2014, 4:59 PM

Foreshortening is always tricky business.

[13865] [Comment] Artist: ironsketch | Title: Regina... meh | Time: 1h 18m
Pic #4102

ShiPainter Pro

ironsketch @ Friday, December 5th 2014, 1:32 PM
Well it's been... 11 years since I've really used oekaki. 0.0 Back when i was graduating highschool I was drawing a LOT online. But I am going to try to make an effort come back and draw more. Sorry if this is too ugly... :/ meh... But hello all!

(Edited on December 5, 2014, 1:37 pm)

[13863] [Comment] Artist: Pop Rocks | Title: Look at Me | Time: 1h 54m
Pic #4100

Chibi Paint

Pop Rocks @ Friday, November 7th 2014, 12:21 PM
I haven't drawn in so long~
I feel kind of bad that my first picture posted in awhile is smut...but at the same time I'm not haha. Enjoy~
Gendaru @ Sunday, November 16th 2014, 2:47 PM
Smut is our bread and butter

[13861] [Comment] Artist: TheKinkFairy | Title: The Kink Fairy says hello! | Time: 59m 57s
Pic #4098

[View Animation]
TheKinkFairy @ Friday, September 19th 2014, 4:19 AM
:3 Hello! I'm a long time lurker and I'm happy to finally be contributing to the board. I haven't drawn any oekakis in about.... 8 years or so....x.x be gentle but please tell me what you think of my art, I want to improve!
Gendaru @ Sunday, September 21st 2014, 7:39 AM
Hello and welcome! The boob squish in this image is extra nice. You should draw more. So should everybody else.
davinci @ Tuesday, September 23rd 2014, 2:50 AM
<agrees with Gendaru..:humbsup on the boobsquish...yummy

[13859] [Comment] Artist: Stray Kitten | Title: Doodle | Time: 1h 4m
Pic #4096

[View Animation]

Stray Kitten @ Saturday, July 5th 2014, 10:46 PM

(Edited on July 5, 2014, 10:47 pm)

[13858] [Comment] Artist: lawrence | Title: No Title | Time: 24m 13s
Pic #4095

lawrence @ Thursday, June 26th 2014, 9:30 PM
A lot of dudes around here are super into asian girls. I don't see what all the fuss is about.
Calli @ Monday, June 30th 2014, 7:18 AM
hello adorable<3
Matt the Fish @ Monday, July 28th 2014, 3:25 PM
noses like this are great
Pop Rocks @ Friday, November 7th 2014, 12:22 PM
Those eyes are beautiful~
And the eyebrows :3
dfjkk @ Sunday, February 12th 2017, 11:24 AM
looks like me when I was young

[13856] [Comment] Artist: Kristal | Title: First Officer Duties | Time: 1h 26m
Pic #4093

ShiPainter Pro

Kristal @ Sunday, June 8th 2014, 6:07 AM
Aw jeez, I haven't done this in years. I've totally forgotten how to use this thing.
Peeping Tom @ Tuesday, June 10th 2014, 2:52 AM
Good to have you back.
Calli @ Thursday, June 12th 2014, 3:35 PM
looks like you figured it out pretty well! Yum<3
Kristal @ Monday, June 16th 2014, 12:27 AM
Thanks guys! It was like a blast from the past!
Danielle @ Friday, July 4th 2014, 11:08 PM
oooohhhh this is so great. YES.
Pop Rocks @ Friday, November 7th 2014, 10:23 AM
Beautiful. I love the noses xD

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