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fearsome oekaki
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[12779] [Comment] Artist: raviepooh | Title: my favorite subject of tentacle violation | Time: 6h 34m
Pic #3016

[View Animation]

raviepooh @ Thursday, February 26th 2009, 9:36 PM
Long time no draw here...considering I haven't used a tablet or oekaki in nearly three years, I'd say this isnt too shabby? I will come back and finish it up, it was just too late to keep going!

anywho, i will try and post something a bit less lazy, hopefully this isn't breaking any rules either!

(Edited on February 27, 2009, 6:08 am)
TCGiant @ Friday, February 27th 2009, 12:27 AM
I'm okay with this. Even if she's staring right into my soul.
Ren @ Sunday, March 1st 2009, 11:29 PM
The picture its self isn't so bad.

I'm just disappointed with it's lack of penetration...MULTIPLE penetration. :(
raviepooh @ Monday, March 2nd 2009, 6:27 AM
that's for the next one, this was mainly me getting my sea legs so to speak.
christiana @ Monday, March 9th 2009, 5:23 PM
I like the curve of her back and the vibrant colors..

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