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Looks like we've reached a sort of event horizon for oekaki! ChickenPaint is still working, but it seems like everyone's moved on from this style of BBS. Bummer! I'll leave the board operational for as long as it continues to function. And probably longer, just so the pictures can stay up. Dunno if anyone still lurks anymore, but if you do... HELLO! How are you? What's Ruby singing about? It probably sounds like a cat being dragged backwards across a blackboard. |
Believe it or not I'm still lurking around too, and I just sent you a message to see how things are as well. Glad to see some new art from you GD, lovely work! :) |
Yeah... ever since social media came along, individual web sites have been drying up. Not just oekaki, but blogs and everything else. My oekaki gets about 10 unique people a month, down from a few hundred a decade ago. There's no way to solve that problem. Search engines just don't take you to small sites anymore. I'm still maintaining Wacintaki, though. A new version of ChickenPaint is available, and it supposedly fixes a few more tablet pressure issues. I'm testing it now. |
I still visit, albeit with unreliable frequency. I'm glad to see the commitment to keeping it on life support as long as possible. I suppose I should try out ChickenPaint. |
Peeping Toms... Peeping Toms everywhere! |
booebs |
Haha, cuz we have never seen her naked before. ;) |
Nice. Good sense of movement. It looks like her head just spun around to look at the viewer |
A while ago I had this idea to do a series of pictures of my favorite sci-fi villains. There are a lot of quantifiers for what exactly brings the awesome when it comes to bad dudes (skills, insanity level, fashion sense, raison d'être, etc.), so narrowing down favorites in a genre is tricky. Here's one of my go-to guys. A good combination of madness, pyrokinesis, and snappy dressing. More to come? |
Do Dr. Wily. |
Anya has dirty feet from walking around in sandals all the time. That's what baths are for, y'know. Glad to see so much fantastic art here lately! STAY CLASSY, FEARSOME. |
I must say, your buttock contouring skill is masterful... |
What's she doing with her left hand? |
Touchin'. |
Bottom bandwagon? Bottom bandwagon. |
ooh, I like this bandwagon! More butts for everyone! |
I concur this is a bandwagon I can get behind. |
woooooo |
your cartoon ladies are remarkably sexy,in this pose,and I'm not even lesbian,and I recognize that. Nice style,too,very good. |
A little something for a certain somebody. You can't see it, but he's actually got a bullseye painted on his ass. True story! |
:3 hehehehe I love eveything about this from the lineart to the colour scheme to the expression on his face |
I see... a peenor :o |
I dunno something about this makes me giggle. :3 |
I can see his wiener dude |
For her next trick, she'll make most of that tail disappear. Presto! It sure has been a while since I drew this lady. Now I'm waxing nostalgic. |
Totally thought that was a leech. Rockin' nips tho! |
That's okay, the other characters think so, too. http://www.ourhomeplanet.net/junk/lm/lm_page12.gif |
Oh, tailsex. <3 |
'scuse me but; H8er gun h8 much? GTFO troll. |
Yes, I'm serious. Or am I? Wait... maybe not... Yup, definitely serious. I had to check. I appreciate your concern, anonymous lurker. The internet is a serious place filled with serious porn, and I know that sometimes all it takes is one person to disrupt this delicate ecosystem. Will you ever forgive me for being so irresponsible with our finite internet resources? |
Someone on the internet thinks my art is retarded?! Oh nooooooooooooooooooooo |
I can appreciate that. Thanks for the polite input! I don't think anyone's ever discussed it with me in such a direct way before. You are also the first person to call me out on the 2D/3D play. You are correct: there is, in fact, no way to reconcile it in a three-dimensional space. It's completely flat. When I first started doing it, my characters were also a lot flatter, kind of like graffiti-style paper cut-outs, in how they were posed and drawn from frame to frame (heavy influence from Rodney Greenblat at the time). Over the years, I moved to a more "realistic" body style, but found that I liked keeping the heads as they were: these characters can only exist in a two-dimensional space, and I like drawing attention to it. It gets people really riled up sometimes! A lot of people interpret it as a nose, which I kinda like. I think over time it's been resembling one more and more. I have been toying with the idea of just running with that and saying, "yes, it's a nose," but I'd have to do some clean-up of older comic pages to keep that logic consistent internally. |
Not technically cannibalism, but... |
Oh wow. |
more noms! <3 |
Oh my words cannot express |
A cups are cute |
;; goodness. those feet are adorable. |
What manner of scandalous huggery is this?! |
hugs with noms are the best kind! |
D'awwwww! |
This is my favorite Rin face. Any time she does this I melt into a puddle, it's very messy. |
"Dat ass." very cute and fondleable. |
Extra big one next time, just for you. |
Maybe stasis tubes are an okay friend substitute... Hey, I used to draw pictures! |
Hooray, GD arts! Ruby you gotta tell me the secret to staying so nicely shaved Also that face is so mega-adorable! |
Yesss! Hot! Well done, gd. |
oh man |
Sexy, sexy revenge! |
I bet those tubes aren't UL listed! |
Crazy good linework with the tools, I bet this would live-trace well. |
holy beard of Zeus! if I still drew I'd so fan art you right now |
Couldn't find the rest. |
That's great. Thigh sinews are what we're made of. |
Wild! I love it. |
You just can't finish what you start, huh? :) |
Story of my life! |
Is it the statue fetish? Or amputation fetish? Either way, it is great! |
oh dear! Here is some ero guro stuff o_o |
I've got a sickness. And the only cure is DIGERI. |
Ahahaha, what a cute expression. |
oh this is awesome |
Well, she always did have a rather hefty hind quarters! I adore the expression. You always draw her so well, no matter what kind of situation she's in. :p But for old time's sake..*ahem* "Stop drawing naughty nudie pictures of poor Digeri!" |
WRASSLIN' TIME How's everybody doing? There's been a lot of awesome pictures here lately. Hope you're all having a rad holiday! |
Good to see your silky smooth linework again :> happy holidays, gd! |
Hey, can I join in? Ahh, I love those toes and hands!! |
This is a good xmas present. |
oh god I can see a hood |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA I drew you a present, sorry it's late! :[ |
ha ha ha ha ha ha oh geez |
What is it like to have the bezier tool wired directly into your brain? This is great. |
Wooo! Sexy but dangerous! That's an awesome tit. |
PaintBBS |
@ Monday, March 31st 2008, 10:22 PM
@ Monday, March 31st 2008, 10:28 PM
@ Tuesday, April 1st 2008, 1:26 AM
@ Tuesday, April 1st 2008, 1:34 AM
YES. I remember when his head flew off that was a good time.
@ Tuesday, April 1st 2008, 3:42 AM
@ Tuesday, April 1st 2008, 7:39 AM
@ Tuesday, April 1st 2008, 3:16 PM
oh my god, i squeed so hard when i saw this. loom is one of my favorite games :)
Matt the Fish
@ Tuesday, April 1st 2008, 3:39 PM
Outlaw Ink
@ Wednesday, April 2nd 2008, 9:05 AM
@ Wednesday, April 2nd 2008, 11:04 PM
@ Thursday, April 3rd 2008, 9:51 AM
@ Sunday, April 6th 2008, 6:15 PM
I don't know this character, and I feel bad.
@ Thursday, April 10th 2008, 8:10 PM
@ Friday, April 11th 2008, 1:01 AM
@ Friday, April 11th 2008, 4:56 PM
@ Friday, April 18th 2008, 7:17 PM
Just doing my yearly check-in, apparently. Have y'all been naughty or nice the past twelve months?
I'm glad things are still chugging along here, always good to see new art drop. It reminds me of a simpler time.
I just reset your user flags, if you can still log in, you should be good to go.
I love the internet, and this place. Thanks for keeping it alive GD.