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In terms of textures, this has to be your best one yet. I'm loving the clashing loudness of everything here. |
kill whitey |
got wierd green guy,out of black,kept going,got to finish later,too late in morn,"good morn" :) |
<333 :D love the lipsand the green goodness |
What goes thru my mind,.while I'm painting this?Um...don't mess this up; use plenty of middle-tones,and not just dark and light.Also,be advetureous with color,Dorothy,and not shy.As I use and add more color,and tones,I am more pleased,cause I love colors,and I realize we all have multiple colors and texture,mid-tones,going on in our faces and bodies. Painting like this is to me a very sensual experience,like eating something really good-tasting.Even on this artificial mode of painting,you can feel the effects of the paint on your brush,as you use it.It's very good software,much better than Adobe. (Edited on September 22, 2010, 3:38 am) |
so lush and your strokes are always so much fun and great to look at. I always wopnder what goes through yrou mind when you paint/draw |
Reminds me of a clay sculpture, You really like experimenting with the halftones and textures, I think it worked well for the hair. |
thanks for the encouragement; I did redo the head,and I thank you,poster,for encouraging me to do that. :) |
i love the potential this has and i love the fact that each brush stroke remains me of oil painting..you should more liek this and continue to amore more and more colors in each area highlights and and all..i like your work EDIT oH YES WOW i love it evenmore!!Your welcoem and Im glad i did because this magnifical!I love the textured look and the color you always choose are tasty! |
Those are really wonderful strokes you got there. |
Wow I agree this is a lot better. Not that it was bad before. |
experi,ments Hi, Jkolsie,how is drowkaki?Is it still up?Nice to see you again.:) (Edited on September 5, 2010, 7:16 am) |
hey man i would def put this on my wall, i love hoe you did this...must of taken forever, if not wow and if so still wow :) |
Chibi Paint (Public) |
@ Sunday, August 29th 2010, 5:03 AM
@ Wednesday, September 1st 2010, 4:56 PM
@ Friday, September 10th 2010, 7:15 AM
"Letmewatchthis.com"is threatened by the criticism of a little old lady,so their egos(very fragile,)they first "mute"her,so she cannot talk,post,comment,or go on chat,or go on forum.(it's a bad pirate movie site.)so I made a sloppy picture out of it.ha ha. Yer right,a lot of websites are very sensitive,you can get banned just for asking questions. (Edited on September 5, 2010, 9:42 am) |
cool story, bro? |
sounds like most places on the internet? actually, sounds like most places, period. (Edited on August 16, 2010, 10:52 am) |
irony: this should get deleted |
PaintBBS [View Animation] (Public) |