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[12478] [Comment] Artist: Kat Angel | Title: meow? | Time: 3h 31m
Pic #2715

[View Animation]

Kat Angel @ Sunday, August 3rd 2008, 11:40 PM
Been in a bit of a drawing rut lately!

I was going to draw at Oekaki Central, but it was down. And I remembered that I hate that board anyway. XP Anyway, I left this one somewhat unrefined... I kinda liked it this way, though I may try to refine it some tomorrow. It was fun! Now I'm going to sleep. :)
Gabbie @ Monday, August 4th 2008, 1:48 AM
well I absolutely love this. her face/hair and the curve of her belly are indescribably pleasing to me.
Seireeni @ Monday, August 4th 2008, 6:41 AM
That hair is adorable with great color combo, so is the face.
gah i wish that black line wasn't floating there, i think this simple style would require a certain level of polishment to make it look good (clean edges of color) because I have this "I like this pic buuuuut those leaking colors annoy me" feel right now
Kat Angel @ Monday, August 4th 2008, 11:16 AM
<3 drawing bellies if anyone hasn't noticed. Also I cleaned this up a little more, fixed up some of the colour bleeding and such. LOL I didn't even notice the floating line last night hahaha. Thanks Seireeni.
Calli @ Monday, August 4th 2008, 11:18 AM
its amazing the difference a tiny bit of cleanup made. i love the ladyshapes you draw.
deadcari @ Monday, August 4th 2008, 3:10 PM
i am really diggin this hair
Seireeni @ Monday, August 4th 2008, 6:24 PM
wooo looks a lot better, tidy and nifty.
Malpanka @ Tuesday, August 5th 2008, 12:00 PM
you forgot one tiny bit near to the leg at the left edge of picture.

otherwise-adorable picture. i love how you apply colours.
Raine @ Friday, August 8th 2008, 12:40 PM
I really like this! The lines and nice, subtle shading is really pleasant.
myuu @ Wednesday, August 13th 2008, 8:51 PM
This is hot.
Her hips are great, she looks like she'd be just that right amount of squishy soft. :3

[12462] [Comment] Artist: littlefoundling | Title: GraveyardGirls | Time: 1h 35m
Pic #2699

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littlefoundling @ Tuesday, July 29th 2008, 4:52 PM
After smoking in a graveyard all afternoon and listening to this amazing song:

I need help! The hand, pose..whateva you got for me:) I think she'll be part of a pin up group..
hclark @ Tuesday, July 29th 2008, 6:35 PM
o.o what happened to her hand... it gone poof!!! :o ah well just have it resting on her knee - so she can stay balanced :D
ballerina shoes! :D

(Edited on July 29, 2008, 6:36 pm)
Raine @ Wednesday, July 30th 2008, 7:15 AM
This is neat! I like how the red heart is accented by her makeup, and the background is really nifty, too. For some reason, I'm really liking how the hand dissapears, personally. It gives this picture something to think about.

The face and hair are to die for, as well.
Kat Angel @ Tuesday, August 5th 2008, 5:49 PM
Very sexy. Pinups are great.
If you want to improve your anatomy (not that it's bad), my suggestion is to try life drawing classes... even if they're hard to find! Otherwise reference photos are good because unless you're amazing it's hard to pull off really good, realistic anatomy from the top of your head. Also the feet here are kind of off; it would be better I think to show the curve of the toe to make it a bit more sexy I think, at the moment the feet look kind of cartoony and the rest of your anatomy seems essentially realistic.

[12461] [Comment] Artist: knuffellutje | Title: No Title | Time: 34m 29s
Pic #2698

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knuffellutje @ Tuesday, July 29th 2008, 2:08 PM
Wanted to post something here :)
Child @ Tuesday, July 29th 2008, 2:14 PM
I like it, especially her nose, but it doesn't seem finished...
littlefoundling @ Tuesday, July 29th 2008, 2:17 PM
Looking really great! Nice style. Her eyebrows are my favorite I think :)
Bri @ Tuesday, July 29th 2008, 5:08 PM
I enjoy this in its simplicity, though like another poster said, it doesn't quite look finished. Either way, those lines are to die for.
Gabbie @ Tuesday, July 29th 2008, 5:31 PM
I think if the eyebrows at least were shaded in like the hair is this would feel a little more complete, maybe the eyes as well. but I still like it, the simplicity adds a nice gentleness to it.
biscuit @ Tuesday, July 29th 2008, 10:33 PM
I'm actually digging the 'unfinished' look. Very dreamy. Only quibble is that her hand appears a little chunky, without that same delicate appearance as on the face.
Raine @ Wednesday, July 30th 2008, 7:13 AM
I kind of feel like this is finished, personally. Just very light and watercolour-like. I enjoy this exactly the way it is. The hint of textures do a lot, methinks.
Luu-Bean @ Wednesday, July 30th 2008, 11:27 AM
I looove it muchly! My only little suggestions would be to mayhaps color in the eyebrows, and slim down her hand on the thumb-side. Other than that, quite adorable! XD
Hunsvotti @ Wednesday, July 30th 2008, 9:34 PM
It looks finished to me. I do agree that the wrist seems a bit thick on the thumb side.

[12438] [Comment] Artist: fyxation | Title: Muffin &amp; Sugarbritches | Time: 4h 43m
Pic #2675

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fyxation @ Monday, July 28th 2008, 12:33 AM
This took entirely too long. I got a hand cramp twice. D: Oh, well. Elvaan x Hume lurve.
Raine @ Monday, July 28th 2008, 6:50 AM
This is cute! I love how close and believable these poses are. Makes me smile. :)
Calli @ Monday, July 28th 2008, 5:54 PM
stop making me miss this game. :D

[12441] [Comment] Artist: Talf | Title: The Way Out is Through | Time: 8h 24m
Pic #2678

Talf @ Sunday, July 27th 2008, 10:12 PM
I'm way too excited to see NIN in three weeks.

Hi, I'm new. I enjoy naked women.
I hope this is up to par -nervous-

The legs end rather abruptly, any suggestions on how to fix that problem. It bothers me :c

Wee thank you for all the nice comments (and suggestions!).

And yes the bump is a fatty bulge (which sounds gross) or her twin trying to escape (which would be awesome).

(Edited on July 28, 2008, 8:00 am)
GemGem @ Sunday, July 27th 2008, 10:13 PM
this is so cool and stylish, the colours are so great together &lt;3 and the lines are so neat! lurve it
fyxation @ Sunday, July 27th 2008, 10:15 PM
I'm seeing NIN at the end of August &lt;3

As for the legs... hmm... Could always make it look like she's standing in a portal or something like that. Maybe standing in solid black?
guidos @ Sunday, July 27th 2008, 10:25 PM
Overall I think this is just stunning! and for being 18 I am so thoroughly impressed. The structure is perfect down to the smallest bend in the wrist. But if I were to tell you my favorite part... oddly enough it would have to be the cigarette smoke. the lines are just so exact. and the freckles just add so much character. Maybe she could be taking a steamy bath to cover the rest of her legs.
Gendaru @ Sunday, July 27th 2008, 10:35 PM
This is delightful. Weirded by the red spatters tho.
Arch @ Sunday, July 27th 2008, 10:45 PM
yeah nin's coming in october
gonna touch trent's ass YEAH &gt;:DDD
Red Number Nine @ Sunday, July 27th 2008, 11:01 PM
I love all the little details like those freckles. Just rock awesome. And her face is so sassy and gorgeous. The only thing is it seems to me she has a strange bump on her hip?
myuu @ Monday, July 28th 2008, 3:24 AM
Well, that's hot. I don't think the leg thing is too much of a problem, they end about where the cig and hand do, so it seems almost kind of appropriate. Love the simple palette and solids, makes it crisp.

um. I'd guess the hip bump is a little fat bulge? Cuz when somebody tilts like that, the side that gets bent inward scrunches up the fat. I dunno. Anyway, nice picture.
Raine @ Monday, July 28th 2008, 6:48 AM
I love when people stylize smoke. Something great always comes from it.

Those freckles are gorgeous. I love the style of the hair, and the little thatch of pubic hair, for some reason,draws me in.

And, of course, those hips. &lt;3
Kuro77 @ Monday, July 28th 2008, 8:43 AM
tre chic. The anatomy is super hot. I love her face. I also have to agree that the cig smoke is awesome.
Calli @ Monday, July 28th 2008, 8:56 AM
she's quite lovely, although i do wish her legs either continued off the page or were interrupted by something physical. i'm loving her hair/face/breasts. very delicate.

also! yay NIN, i will also be seeing them in august. always an amazing show.&lt;3
Gabbie @ Monday, July 28th 2008, 10:20 AM
wow that smoke and her face are intoxicating. and I adore her boobs/arm/shoulders too, ahh it's all so appealing.
Danielle @ Monday, July 28th 2008, 11:21 AM
yes freckles!
you got a lovely shape aboutcha, girlieee
i like the subtle pink skintones in the shading
agcook @ Monday, July 28th 2008, 1:02 PM
Very nice! Love the colors and her curves!^_^
Malpanka @ Monday, July 28th 2008, 6:23 PM
another NIN fan. i envy you-they never come to my country :(

she is perfect in all ways. i love her face-not too pretty, not too happy, colour scheme,stylization, loose hair....tiny mistakes disappear in goodness overload &lt;3 please moar!
Child @ Monday, July 28th 2008, 10:46 PM
I like the way the legs cut off. Keeps the whole thing in the frame. If they had to be finished I'd just put some solid black thigh high boots, lol. But I am imagining this in a frame and hanging alongside a bar.
littlefoundling @ Tuesday, July 29th 2008, 2:19 PM
Beautiful body shape!

[12421] [Comment] Artist: The Tentacle Monster | Title: No Title | Time: unknown
Pic #2658

ShiPainter Pro
The Tentacle Monster @ Thursday, July 24th 2008, 11:36 PM
Uploaded for The Tentacle Monster. You can change the title and comment for this picture in My Oekaki &gt; Edit Pics at the top of the page.
Muskau @ Friday, July 25th 2008, 3:46 AM
Lurve da boobies! Like the subtle cat-like mouth too
E! @ Friday, July 25th 2008, 7:26 AM
Oooo, a re-tooled Naomi again eh Tets? Nice, very nice! :D
Raine @ Friday, July 25th 2008, 9:42 AM
What awkward nipples. Poor gals gunna have back problems.

I personally really like the palette used in this. You know, how there's nothing too dark or diverting away from the femininity of this picture.
GemGem @ Friday, July 25th 2008, 6:07 PM
really nice soild shading :D i can never draw boobs right, I SHALL KEEP MY EYE ON YOU CB
Sweetcell @ Saturday, July 26th 2008, 5:44 PM
They're large but pert, the rarest kind. Envy your solid shading. Mine sucks these days.

[12410] [Comment] Artist: Sweetcell | Title: Always hug the one you love | Time: 5h 21m
Pic #2647

Sweetcell @ Tuesday, July 22nd 2008, 8:40 PM
..and don't let go.
Don't let go now.

EDIT: There, a little better. My coloring sucks these days, but it looks more finished.
reign @ Tuesday, July 22nd 2008, 7:09 AM
The rendering on the man's hair is fantastic(I wonder why you chose such realistic rendering for the nipples and his hair, and flat colors for everything else...), but for a minute I thought the woman had some hellacious chest hair. x.x;

The lines are so clean and neat.
Malpanka @ Tuesday, July 22nd 2008, 3:16 PM
ow. her breasts look nasty and floppy
Sweetcell @ Tuesday, July 22nd 2008, 5:35 PM
You say that like it's a bad thing Malpanka.

I copped out on the coloring, it was very, very late and I was very, very tired.
Raine @ Tuesday, July 22nd 2008, 5:47 PM
O lawd.
The texture changes kind of throw me off, but I can't see the anatomy's not decent! Especially on the guy.Nice clean line-art, too.And where there is texture, it's really, really, good texturing.
Mujaki @ Wednesday, July 23rd 2008, 2:53 AM
Can't.... Breathe....
Luu-Bean @ Thursday, July 24th 2008, 3:41 PM
Well..what a way to go man, what a way to go. x_x; *nearly snorted her drink upon seeing this* He likes it, you know he does.
Sweetcell @ Thursday, July 24th 2008, 6:16 PM
If I put this public somebody can screw around with the coloring/shading. I wouldn't mind. Lately my colorings been off. It's on one layer though.
Muskau @ Friday, July 25th 2008, 12:30 AM
Crazy Stuff, looks like photoshopped real nipples and hair into the pic! heheh

[12409] [Comment] Artist: Sweetcell | Title: Xenomorphphephe | Time: 1h 31m
Pic #2646

Sweetcell @ Tuesday, July 22nd 2008, 8:39 PM
Just wanted a new icon.
Crash @ Monday, July 21st 2008, 12:48 AM
Whaaa? That's crazy detailed!!!
Loove &lt;3
Calli @ Monday, July 21st 2008, 4:05 AM
that's pretty sweet.
Matt the Fish @ Monday, July 21st 2008, 9:03 AM
I wonder if an admin can blow this up and if they could whether it would look ok or kill the magic
Gendaru @ Monday, July 21st 2008, 10:17 AM
Reckon it would kill the magic.
Sweetcell @ Monday, July 21st 2008, 11:42 PM
Yup, it would kill it. I mean it took forever to get it to this stage and I never was sure it would look this good. If you saw this larger.... *ug*

Thanks all, pixiling is hard.
Raine @ Tuesday, July 22nd 2008, 4:45 PM
That is absolutely brilliant. I don't even know how else to put it, man. Pixelling is hard indeed, but you make it look so easy.
Hentaikid @ Friday, July 25th 2008, 4:55 PM
Dunno, I used mouse gestures to enlarge it a few times and it still looked quite good.
GemGem @ Friday, July 25th 2008, 6:11 PM
FFFF D8 this seriously looks like something TAKEN straight from the movie! amazing!

[12356] [Comment] Artist: christiana | Title: LOL... | Time: 11h
Pic #2593

ShiPainter Pro
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christiana @ Thursday, July 3rd 2008, 7:02 PM
She sure is having a good time....
Calli @ Thursday, July 3rd 2008, 8:45 PM
it's really fascinating to watch you paint.
Sweetcell @ Friday, July 4th 2008, 1:54 AM
BMW, is that you?
christiana @ Friday, July 4th 2008, 7:00 AM
Thanks's me..what gave me away...good to see ya..
Sweetcell @ Friday, July 4th 2008, 8:54 PM
I recognized your style, it's very unique. Nice to see you too. :)
apeirophobia @ Saturday, July 5th 2008, 12:41 PM
I never commented on your last one, but both of these are friggin' sweet. Your sytle is really cool.
Exhale @ Wednesday, July 9th 2008, 7:27 PM
I wasn't really sure about how I felt about this piece, but after watching the animation and looking at it for a while I really, really appreciate and admire it a lot! The hair is just beautiful! Great job. :)
christiana @ Thursday, July 10th 2008, 12:53 PM
Thanks you very much...I appreciate the comments...
omg @ Thursday, September 3rd 2009, 10:37 PM
O.o mscaptain?

[12380] [Comment] Artist: Sweetcell | Title: I call him Jonny Dong | Time: 2h 8m
Pic #2617

[View Animation]

Sweetcell @ Tuesday, July 1st 2008, 3:30 AM
Hello again Fearsome.
doob @ Tuesday, July 1st 2008, 3:46 AM
he looks like the hulk if he didn't have those magical stretching pants, haha awesome
Cola @ Tuesday, July 1st 2008, 5:54 PM
sufistuk8ed @ Tuesday, July 1st 2008, 6:31 PM
Whoa I love that texture.
mooki @ Tuesday, July 1st 2008, 9:29 PM
aww sweetcell, nice to see you

especially with sweet man meat like this
Sweetcell @ Tuesday, July 1st 2008, 10:10 PM
Ah Mooki, you see the porno side of me. Thank you and everyone.

I was TRYING to get the look of the tones Manga artists use, the sheets you buy then rub on (damn me if I can remember the name of those things) I kinda got it. Kinda.
Crash @ Tuesday, July 1st 2008, 11:44 PM
Awesome shading/texture xD
mk @ Wednesday, July 2nd 2008, 1:02 AM
the only issue i have with this is his right nipple... its too far to the center and makes it look like he has breasts
Sweetcell @ Wednesday, July 2nd 2008, 5:30 PM
Ah, I see what you mean. I always have problems with nipple placement XD. Plus his six pack became a 2 four. Just a few touch-ups. Thanks.
Shadow - [Homepage] @ Friday, July 11th 2008, 11:31 PM
that seriously looks like my boyfriend
mordsith @ Sunday, July 13th 2008, 11:15 AM
123 @ Tuesday, July 15th 2008, 8:31 PM
Tee hee, He seems like a happy guy. Very sexy.
cyanide shadow @ Thursday, July 17th 2008, 8:06 PM
the shading effect reminds me of stipling. anyway, the anatomy is wonderful and so is the shading.

[12363] [Comment] Artist: Nojitsu | Title: No Title | Time: 1h 32m
Pic #2600

[View Animation]
Nojitsu @ Monday, June 23rd 2008, 8:09 PM
Aydoo @ Monday, June 23rd 2008, 8:21 PM
I always love your womens and this is no exception.
Prosopagnosia @ Monday, June 23rd 2008, 9:00 PM
i love them lips. and that pose is yummy.
Emily @ Tuesday, June 24th 2008, 1:52 AM
this is awesome. :D
mordsith @ Tuesday, June 24th 2008, 10:28 AM
/agree with all of the above o_o this is awesome. somethin about the nipples doesnt seem exactly right, but all in all a great pic. especially the face and zomg the hair
Crash @ Tuesday, June 24th 2008, 1:42 PM
Muy bueno :]
She has great hair and *the* cutest face EVAR.
And I think her nips look fine :3 The bend in the arm should be a bit lower though =/
christiana @ Tuesday, June 24th 2008, 3:06 PM
OOh..she's very pretty and so proud looking..
Gendaru @ Wednesday, June 25th 2008, 9:28 AM
horribletak @ Thursday, June 26th 2008, 7:49 PM
I think this is my favorite of yours yet! I second all everyone said about how proud and beautiful she looks. great pose. great hair. love the nose and mouth and eyes.
e.b. @ Saturday, June 28th 2008, 9:35 PM
i echo everyone else's comments on this. also, i want hair like hers :(
Luu-Bean @ Monday, July 7th 2008, 6:42 AM
I'm straight and all but if this girl was real....I dunno I may have to question myself. XD She's ADORABLE!! Her face and her haiiiiir make me envious of both you and herself. XD;;
Sweetcell @ Tuesday, July 8th 2008, 5:48 PM
First word that comes out of my mouth is pert. Pert Lips, pert breasts, pert nipples. Just so pert. :)
Nojitsu @ Friday, July 11th 2008, 7:04 PM
thanks for the comments!
I have to admit, i was worried about the hair coming out looking too messy, but from the reception i think it looks okay. :]

[12354] [Comment] Artist: fyxation | Title: sculpting | Time: 1h 32m
Pic #2591


fyxation @ Sunday, June 22nd 2008, 9:41 PM
I can't decide if I like Shi-painter or not. I fear change D:
Kalyandra @ Sunday, June 22nd 2008, 10:57 PM
I really like the shading on this, and the eye is great, but I feel as though the rest, particularly the hair and lines on the body, could really use some cleaning up.
hclark @ Monday, June 23rd 2008, 1:00 AM
I like her eye
Matt the Fish @ Monday, June 23rd 2008, 9:17 AM
she's got a set of 'em, doesn't she? I like the glow coloring for what it's worth.
fyxation @ Monday, June 23rd 2008, 11:28 PM
Dang, when I try to re-touch, it goes back to a point before the last time I re-touched... and that was the majority of it. =( Oh, well.

[12341] [Comment] Artist: christiana | Title: Brown Recluse | Time: 9h 39m
Pic #2578

ShiPainter Pro
[View Animation]

christiana @ Tuesday, June 17th 2008, 5:35 PM
Hope it looks okay..:)
And @ Tuesday, June 17th 2008, 6:51 PM
Im diggin the hair :0
KJOlsie @ Tuesday, June 17th 2008, 10:55 PM
I love that webbed eye, that's the first thing I looked at in this picture. Very creepy and damn awesome.
christiana @ Wednesday, June 18th 2008, 6:50 AM
thanks..i though it would be a nice touch..glad you like it..I am gald the hair came out and clouds are the bane of my existence..
Tayley-Chan @ Wednesday, June 18th 2008, 5:03 PM
I'm utterly fascinated with the area around both brows... also, is it odd that I find the spider adorable? I think it's the eyes. Either way it's too cute :3
Emily @ Thursday, June 19th 2008, 1:13 AM
HOLY SHIT this is awesome, I can't wait for you to draw more.
christiana @ Thursday, June 19th 2008, 6:56 AM
thank you both...:3
Erie @ Friday, June 20th 2008, 8:31 PM
This is really awesome. You clearly put a lot of work into it and it paid off... very awesome details, great work on the eye!
Kalyandra @ Sunday, June 22nd 2008, 10:58 PM
Wow this is really neat.
Prosopagnosia @ Monday, June 23rd 2008, 4:59 PM
i thought i already commented on this haha i'm so confused!

this is really nice. i love the face. the only thing that bugs me is the hair on the spider-i think it would have looked better if you'd used thicker lines. the rest of the picture is bold in many ways, and it would bring more attention to the dainty webs. other than that, i really love this picture :)
christiana @ Tuesday, June 24th 2008, 3:08 PM
Thanks you...:3
Shadow - [Homepage] @ Friday, July 11th 2008, 11:32 PM
okay then?

[12350] [Comment] Artist: Tayley-Chan | Title: Where'd THAT come from? | Time: 26h 45m
Pic #2587

ShiPainter Pro
[View Animation]
Tayley-Chan @ Friday, June 13th 2008, 7:53 PM
*rises from the dead* Braiiiiiiiinnnnnssss..... @_O

Right, so there's that done. In other news: this chicky is from a dream I had once. She started out a girl and then got hoogly-booglied into a she-male much to her confusion. Later there was a three-some with some nagas...

My dreams are delightfully fucked-up :p
Matt the Fish @ Friday, June 13th 2008, 8:18 PM
So you just sit and watch your sex dreams? That's kind of a ripoff. Anyway welcome back, nice vibrant colors here
Outlaw Ink @ Friday, June 13th 2008, 8:22 PM
I want your dreams! This is lovely. Her thought bubble is great.
deadcari @ Saturday, June 14th 2008, 8:02 AM
lol, nagas...
Gendaru @ Saturday, June 14th 2008, 9:36 AM
A revenant from the old guard.

How surprising!
Zeo @ Wednesday, June 18th 2008, 8:29 PM
XD I'd be all like &quot;Sweet! No more periods!!!&quot;

This is awesome, I love the colours and the shapes and everything. Your style is amazing! ^^
christiana @ Thursday, June 19th 2008, 6:58 AM
I like the colors a great deal...the shading is nice and also the jewelry...and I agree about the periods...where is that dream come true when you need it...
Dark @ Saturday, June 21st 2008, 4:26 PM
looking at this i can hear in my head is RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE from altered beast it all its 8 bit glory
Tha_Pig @ Wednesday, July 16th 2008, 7:01 PM
Your dreams are... dreamy!

[12343] [Comment] Artist: sufistuk8ed | Title: Anteater | Time: 3h 13m
Pic #2580

ShiPainter Pro
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sufistuk8ed @ Tuesday, June 10th 2008, 5:08 PM
Here is an anthro anteater. I'm going to have a lot of stuff in the art show at Anthrocon (in Pittsburgh) in a few weeks, so I'm still on an anthro binge.

It's been a while since I've worked with solids so much, sorry if it's not all that well done. What about the black outline? Should I change the color to match the background more, make it more transparent, or should I add darker outlines throughout the background? Or is it okay, as is?
Erie @ Tuesday, June 10th 2008, 5:20 PM
It looks GREAT. The outline is great because it is more grey than black. The only part of the shading that looks a little off is on the neck. Otherwise, great job. Those dudes have weird feet, I saw one at the zoo two days ago.
reign @ Tuesday, June 10th 2008, 5:25 PM
Spectacular. I love how the black on her torso/chest kind of looks like a tanktop.
skiddy @ Tuesday, June 10th 2008, 8:28 PM
I think the lines are good as they are, honestly. I wouldn't darken the background any (it's actually rather nice as it is), and if you lighten the foreground outlines too much it'll look weird (bold coloring vs light lines .. doesn't always mesh). It's not bad to have dark lines n_n
Good luck with your art at Anthrocon :D
Matt the Fish @ Wednesday, June 11th 2008, 8:22 AM
the contrast is fiiiine. don't change. Good solids/tonage
Alexxx @ Wednesday, June 11th 2008, 10:44 AM
The light background looks like a misty forest and I like it. Also, good mix of solids and tones!
sufistuk8ed @ Wednesday, June 11th 2008, 1:15 PM
Thanks everyone! I'm glad it works okay.
QuickBrownFox @ Thursday, June 12th 2008, 5:08 AM
Lovely... the fur colors and pattern make me think of Pokemon though ;)
Gingitsune @ Friday, June 13th 2008, 11:41 AM
Very nice, I love the cross hatching, and as well, I agree that the lighter background adds to this. Her feet are adorable. Definatly looking forward to more of your stuff at AC.

[12338] [Comment] Artist: blackmyst09 | Title: I don't know what this is | Time: 1h 37m
Pic #2575

blackmyst09 @ Saturday, June 7th 2008, 11:33 PM
I don't know what's going on, honest!

I've developed a fear of just drawing &quot;whatever&quot; in the past few years, Imma try and do something about that. So here's whatever.

Oh I just figured out what's happening, it's trying to lick her ear. Yes.
Calli @ Sunday, June 8th 2008, 7:16 AM
i really dig the coloring and the motion in this one.
she's got a biteable bum. &gt;3
bubble @ Sunday, June 8th 2008, 7:20 AM
blackmyst? I haven't seen you draw in ages, so nice to see your work again
Matt the Fish @ Sunday, June 8th 2008, 11:40 AM
okay, that's cool. You're good at this
horribletak @ Sunday, June 8th 2008, 12:16 PM
colorscheme = win. purple with yellowy highlights gets me every time! this is great.
gd-kun @ Sunday, June 8th 2008, 8:35 PM
Oh god yes.
Erie @ Monday, June 9th 2008, 4:21 PM
This is really awesome! The only thing I can't figure out is what's going on with her mouth.
Prosopagnosia @ Tuesday, June 10th 2008, 9:35 AM
i love your color choices.

i like her mouth too, i make that face a lot haaa
christiana @ Tuesday, June 10th 2008, 1:38 PM
I love the coloring and how she looks golden..I think her mouth is soo cute...
sufistuk8ed @ Tuesday, June 10th 2008, 5:17 PM
Haha, this is hilarious. And yeah, purple + yellow is always nice.
blackmyst09 @ Thursday, June 12th 2008, 2:47 AM
Thx for zee comments. Yeah, she's uhh... a member of the octorok descendants tribe, hence the mouth.

@Bubble: your devart name sounds familiar. You were on oekakicentral, right?
bubble @ Saturday, June 14th 2008, 6:50 PM
Blackmyst, yeah I was, still am, just don't draw a lot :3 I remember you drew awesome stuff in the MainHall
Muskau @ Friday, July 25th 2008, 6:52 PM
You are sublime

[12336] [Comment] Artist: christiana | Title: Face Value | Time: 4h 37m
Pic #2573

ShiPainter Pro
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christiana @ Wednesday, June 4th 2008, 6:07 PM
I am sort of new here..and this is my first picture...
Matt the Fish @ Monday, June 9th 2008, 6:37 PM
this is pretty freaky, but I can see plenty of effort in the coloring.
reign @ Tuesday, June 10th 2008, 2:09 AM
Jesus this is scary.

Awesome though.
Prosopagnosia @ Tuesday, June 10th 2008, 12:42 PM
wow okay this is terrifying
but also real nice haha
christiana @ Wednesday, June 11th 2008, 9:07 AM
Thanks so much...

[12305] [Comment] Artist: sufistuk8ed | Title: Penelope | Time: 2m 33s
Pic #2542

ShiPainter Pro
sufistuk8ed @ Tuesday, May 20th 2008, 7:35 PM
Thanks for uploading Gendaru! I'm glad I screencapped it.

I used a reference picture of Penelope Cruz... was planning on doing something cool with it, but ended up just pretty much copying it. Oh well, it was good practice.

(PS - That'd be my re-touch time!)
Mr. Orgass @ Thursday, May 22nd 2008, 2:19 AM
it's hard to not commit when you have a reference. But it's great practice. The color scheme is interesting being mostly muted colors, it has a desert type feeling to it.
hclark @ Saturday, May 24th 2008, 8:09 PM
good eye-to-hand coorination
christiana @ Tuesday, June 10th 2008, 1:41 PM
So stunning..I always though at one time i wanted to do realism..then i realized it just was not for me...but i applaud people who do it well...Kudos to you.

[12287] [Comment] Artist: Marathiel | Title: No Title | Time: 9h 15m
Pic #2524


Marathiel @ Monday, May 5th 2008, 4:41 PM
Thanks, Hunsvotti, for the upload!

Figured it was time I drew here again, been a member for a while now but I'm a hardcore lurker. :) I always enjoy surfing the board though, lotsa talented peeps and names I know from elsewhere.

(Edited on May 6, 2008, 5:29 am)
Malpanka @ Monday, May 5th 2008, 6:43 PM

this is epic
bubble @ Monday, May 5th 2008, 9:35 PM
oh mara, you always had a way with watercolors. I love the face especially
Laura - [Homepage] @ Tuesday, May 6th 2008, 9:00 AM
Oh! I love that great little bit of bright highlighting on the back and shoulders. There's a lovely quietness to this.
jarrod @ Wednesday, May 7th 2008, 11:20 AM
Hey wonderful drawing. I'm writing a story called &quot;Darius&quot; with some dark shadowy forms and I'm looking for some art to go with it. I posted in the forum about it under something like &quot;art for my story&quot; if your interested in helping me out.
BOOTLEGBATTERIES @ Wednesday, May 7th 2008, 6:35 PM
Beautifully rendered muscles. o_o And indeed, the lighting source is also quite the ingenious.
Marathiel @ Friday, May 9th 2008, 1:17 AM
Thanks, all!

@jarrod ... That sounds interesting but I'm afraid I'm still terribly busy with putting together portfolios and applications for schools. Thanks for the offer though! :)
Muskau @ Friday, May 23rd 2008, 8:45 AM
Looks like something I would see hung in a gallery!

[12263] [Comment] Artist: sufistuk8ed | Title: Triton | Time: 2h 5m
Pic #2500

ShiPainter Pro
[View Animation]
sufistuk8ed @ Wednesday, April 23rd 2008, 10:24 AM
Bored at work.
skiddy @ Wednesday, April 23rd 2008, 5:09 PM
I always love seeing tones being used in oekakis.
's pretty n_n
Matt the Fish @ Wednesday, April 23rd 2008, 6:53 PM
oh wow, good job with the sparklies. It's really interesting when people pull simple effects like this off
apeirophobia @ Thursday, April 24th 2008, 8:06 AM
When I first saw this it didn't have sparkles. Either way, it looks awesome. Very illustrative; it definitely tells a story. And those sparkles make it look like those paintings that light up (which are kinda cheesy in real life but I like the effect here).
lawrence @ Thursday, April 24th 2008, 12:56 PM
I love magical mountains! :0 great colors.
Are we looking out of a cave whose overhang has lots of sparkly vines? or is it like cosmic seaweed invading earth? either way, it's spiffy-looking. I think the sparklies could have been used more sparingly on the clouds at the bottom as not to overwhelm and... cheapen the drawing. I don't mean it harshly but words, I'm no good with them.
inque - [Homepage] @ Friday, May 2nd 2008, 10:23 PM
wow this is nice...i love blue and wow//good job!

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