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fearsome oekaki
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[12492] [Comment] Artist: Stroodle | Title: Pregos <3 | Time: 1h 29m
Pic #2729

ShiPainter Pro
[View Animation]
Stroodle @ Saturday, August 9th 2008, 11:44 AM
First post, hope it's alright. If it's too sloppy I'll work on refining it a bit.

I have an odd thing for drawing pregnant wimmenz.
perennialartist @ Saturday, August 9th 2008, 1:34 PM
I like prego art. Perhaps make your next post a little cleaner? (and sexier, lol)
Gendaru @ Saturday, August 9th 2008, 2:04 PM
It's a little smeary, but interesting. Is that a pattern on the undies, or pubes poking through?
Stroudle @ Saturday, August 9th 2008, 3:27 PM
It's a pattern. I would have made smaller tiny ones for pubes.

Next one will be neater.
apeirophobia @ Saturday, August 9th 2008, 7:33 PM
Uhh I like it painterly. It's like, impressionism-ish-esque-y. I don't think this is a matter of "clean" vs "messy", it's the style.
Raine @ Sunday, August 10th 2008, 8:24 AM
I have to agree. I wouldn't really change anything about this piece; the painterly feeling with the different sized strokes is absolutely amazing. Welcome to Fearsome!
anonymous @ Tuesday, August 12th 2008, 3:22 PM
the background pops too much into the foreground and its distracting
lucy @ Saturday, November 15th 2008, 11:53 AM
dang i wish it was pubes

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