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fearsome oekaki
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[13161] [Comment] Artist: KJOlsie | Title: Purple DGirl on Dgirl | Time: 46m 44s
Pic #3398

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KJOlsie @ Thursday, March 4th 2010, 7:37 AM
Just a little porn
Just some one - [Homepage] @ Thursday, March 4th 2010, 12:08 PM
I kinda like it, it would be a great piece if you had more time for the shading in it. it looks a bit amateurish now...

after that I like it :D
Gendaru @ Thursday, March 4th 2010, 7:09 PM
A little more refinement in the shoulders/neck area, and a little more definition in the hips would be nice. lol dicks.
MotherChaos @ Saturday, March 6th 2010, 3:12 PM
mmmm Futa <33
KJOlsie @ Sunday, March 7th 2010, 10:37 AM
Thank you for the feedback, guys.

[12836] [Comment] Artist: KJOlsie | Title: Firey Something | Time: 1h 21m
Pic #3073

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KJOlsie @ Saturday, May 2nd 2009, 2:16 PM
I don't know if this random character is a girl, weird boy, or a mix of both. Maybe it's a dick-girl Naga. Yep. Don't judge me. D:

(Edited on May 2, 2009, 2:17 pm)
Random Fearsome Lurker @ Saturday, May 2nd 2009, 3:16 PM
For some reason the face makes me think of that Samurai Jack from Cartoon Network. Has that "I know what you're thinking and you've got it aaallll wrooong" look.
Guano @ Sunday, May 3rd 2009, 12:53 AM
Jafar-drag... i like the warm colors.
Mujaki @ Sunday, May 3rd 2009, 5:01 AM
Well, either way, he and/or she... is hot! (If you'll excuse the pun)
Luu-Bean @ Sunday, May 3rd 2009, 5:42 AM
I love the colors! She/He makes me think of a sphinx personally, or some kind of trickster-spirit. XD
BOOTLEGBATTERIES @ Sunday, May 3rd 2009, 7:05 AM
o_o I'm really digging that purple gradient on her face, and how those lips curve. 8D
Lyesmith @ Sunday, May 3rd 2009, 9:34 PM
... I've never been scared by boobs before until now. Something about that evil glare makes the rest of her really fucking terrifying. o_o
steph @ Sunday, May 3rd 2009, 10:20 PM
I scrolled down so that I couldn't see the face anymore and I thought "hm. boobs."

But when I scrolled back and saw that face it seemed to be saying, "I KNOW YOU WERE LOOKING AT MY BOOBS". Nightmares D:
erie @ Monday, May 4th 2009, 8:56 AM
I second steph o_o

[12821] [Comment] Artist: KJOlsie | Title: Sigh | Time: 43m 13s
Pic #3058


KJOlsie @ Tuesday, April 21st 2009, 4:16 AM
My original alien character, Chris Trenton, being the typical, grumpy brooder type.

Was listening to nostalgic old Rammstein while drawing this
Cola @ Tuesday, April 21st 2009, 11:23 AM
I am so happy that people are posting stuff. X3
Aydoo @ Saturday, April 25th 2009, 8:39 AM
I dont think I can ever look at any green alien and not thing SKRULLS :<

The transistion off canvas is pretty cool.
KJOlsie @ Saturday, May 2nd 2009, 12:50 PM
Skrulls..I had to look them up to know what you were talking about...and now I know why. Haaaaaaaaa
Thank you for the comments =)

[12645] [Comment] Artist: KJOlsie | Title: Cloudy Face | Time: 1h 32m
Pic #2882

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KJOlsie @ Thursday, December 4th 2008, 2:23 PM
The eyes gave me a hard time, though otherwise I like it
Cola @ Thursday, December 4th 2008, 11:46 PM
Yeah, I can see why.
TCGiant @ Friday, December 5th 2008, 11:33 AM
KJOlsie @ Friday, December 5th 2008, 5:00 PM
lol oh you people
Raine @ Wednesday, December 17th 2008, 12:23 PM
I really like it, too. I don't know if the dark shadowing of the eyes was intentional or just because you were tired of the picture, but I think it does a lot to this picture. Love the nice, soft shading!

[12616] [Comment] Artist: KJOlsie | Title: Chris Redfield | Time: 55m 12s
Pic #2853


KJOlsie @ Monday, October 27th 2008, 2:16 PM
Reference Pose:

To my friend, that loves this guy, and the series Resident Evil. Thinkin' of refining it in Photoshop C:
123 @ Monday, October 27th 2008, 2:17 PM
Yay! Awesome!
Ba @ Tuesday, October 28th 2008, 11:23 AM
This isn't Chris Redfield.

He's not killing hordes of black people, for one thing.
oo @ Thursday, October 30th 2008, 3:45 PM
he's beautiful! nice change to see muscular, manly man :P
Raine @ Saturday, November 1st 2008, 7:46 AM
I really like the nice, deep shades and painterly feel this has. The stomache/ab area is my favourite.
Eddie @ Wednesday, November 5th 2008, 4:44 PM
this is all kinds of astoundingly hot, but i can't help but think of dom santiago from gears of war before i see chris redfield.
Child @ Tuesday, November 25th 2008, 3:31 PM
Things that make you go ooo.. .

[12358] [Comment] Artist: KJOlsie | Title: Purple and Red | Time: 3h 26m
Pic #2595

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KJOlsie @ Saturday, June 21st 2008, 4:43 PM
EDIT: Retouched picture =)
Hello - I've been a stalker of this place for a couple of years, and finally signed up.
These are my alien characters, Xou and Christopher. I might be drawing them the most here..
Any tips? His back was making me angry.
I know I could work on this longer, though that risks the picture being too big, and I lost many pictures that way on other oekaki's =( just by working on it too long.
Even though I'm 20, I still feel a little embarrassed making these type of pictures. &gt;_&gt;;
Prosopagnosia @ Monday, June 23rd 2008, 2:22 PM
i loooove the curve of his lips :9
christiana @ Tuesday, June 24th 2008, 3:07 PM
I think he looks like the better character..but the whole picture is nice..and I must agree about the lips...super sexy.:)
Gendaru @ Wednesday, June 25th 2008, 9:54 AM

No need to be embarrassed! I think this is a fine start, but I'd like to see more definition overall. This looks half-finished to me. I'd like to see some separation from the background, more detail on the female character and so-forth.

You don't need to leave the applet open for the total duration of the picture. You can safety save if you think you might have worked for too long, and go back to it later. I'd like it if you'd retouch this picture and add a little more clarity. It has potential.
apeirophobia @ Thursday, June 26th 2008, 1:05 PM
I agree with Gendaru, I think even a simple dark green outline in choice spots would sharpen this up brilliantly.
KJOlsie @ Saturday, June 28th 2008, 7:11 PM
Thanks! I worked hard on his face to get it that way it is.. and will refine her face.
And Thank you guys for the tips =)

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