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fearsome oekaki
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[13878] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Pearl Reluctance... | Time: 4h
Pic #4115

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E! @ Wednesday, August 19th 2015, 7:44 PM
She did it for her...and a lot more I bet.
S @ Monday, September 11th 2017, 5:05 PM
Ah,our lovely Pearl. :)

[13877] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Amethyst Rebellion... | Time: 4h 25m
Pic #4114

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E! @ Wednesday, May 6th 2015, 4:07 PM
Wanna see something cool..?

Figures that they've given each of the girls new forms and all, means I'll have to revisit them later and redraw them.
gd-kun @ Friday, May 15th 2015, 7:59 AM
Hahah, nice.

[13876] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Garnet Emergence... | Time: 3h 37m
Pic #4113

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E! @ Saturday, April 25th 2015, 7:48 AM
My gem is ready for some action. Let's fuuuuuuse.
Gendaru @ Monday, April 27th 2015, 8:27 PM
Oh, gawd yes. Two glorious posts in the same month. I'm feeling the urge to contribute...

[13684] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Lewd Web... | Time: 8h 34m
Pic #3921

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E! @ Wednesday, February 6th 2013, 2:50 PM
Yeesh, that took a LOT longer than it should have.
gd-kun @ Thursday, February 7th 2013, 8:54 AM
Nice tits!
Kiriel @ Thursday, February 7th 2013, 2:37 PM
Awww yeah! Gotta love an E! and an RR next to each other on the front page! And you gotta love some robot tits. Can't forget those.

[13652] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Shake, Shake, Shake Senora! | Time: 6h 50m
Pic #3889

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E! @ Sunday, March 11th 2012, 11:24 PM
Shake your body line! Shake, shake, shake senora, shake it all the time!
skiddy @ Monday, March 12th 2012, 2:19 AM
Haha, just a few hours ago I saw the unfinished version saved in your profile and wondered when you were going to finish it. Wonderful cel shading per usual, E!
Rooboodude - [Homepage] @ Monday, March 12th 2012, 5:12 PM
Okay, I recognize Bunya, but who's the wolf, and what's he trying to finish saying? 0_o
Kevyn @ Monday, March 12th 2012, 9:06 PM
Kiriel @ Sunday, March 18th 2012, 12:01 AM


[13643] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Let's travel back to the 80's! | Time: 3h 50m
Pic #3880

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E! @ Wednesday, January 4th 2012, 9:40 PM
I hardly thing this lovely feline lady needs any introduction, do you? Anywho, yo Fearsome, happy belated New Years! :]
Xod @ Wednesday, January 4th 2012, 10:42 PM
Just like my childhood erotic fantasies! You drew her so pretty! <:D
Kevyn @ Thursday, January 5th 2012, 4:49 AM
Very impressive. Although, I think her left breast could benefit from a touch-up.
Rooboodude - [Homepage] @ Thursday, January 5th 2012, 5:46 PM
Although Kevyn may be right in most cases with a perfectly symmetrical outfit, I believe the misbalance helps this image out a lot. It looks like the tight clothing is squishing up her left breast, like it would in nature. ^^
Mr.NiK @ Tuesday, February 7th 2012, 5:13 AM
I don't think so. Her right breast is clearly significantly larger. It's not impossible of course.

[13636] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Looks like it's that special time of year yet again... | Time: 1h 16m
Pic #3873

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E! @ Saturday, December 24th 2011, 8:58 PM
Holiday greetings Fearsome! Looks like our unlucky little Christmas babe is finding herself in another tentacle based season of giving! Hope everyone has a great Christmas and a Happy New Year! Laterz!
Xod @ Saturday, December 24th 2011, 11:17 PM
Ah, surprise tentacle rape! Best gift ever!!!
Rooboodude - [Homepage] @ Sunday, December 25th 2011, 2:00 PM
I actually forgot about this girl this year. Kinda glad I showed up to take a look at what interesting things had been done in the last couple of weeks. Any chance there's a page somewhere that you've got all the previous years' work with the surprise tentacle girl?
E! @ Sunday, December 25th 2011, 4:23 PM
Rooboo: Yeah, you can find them over on my website, links in my profile, but if you don't feel like looking through all the Oekaki artwork though, here they are:

[url=]Christmas 2004[/url] and [url=]Christmas 2009[/url]
Rooboodude - [Homepage] @ Monday, December 26th 2011, 5:18 PM
Hehe, thanks for the link. Hope to see her again next year. 0_~
Milknhoney @ Saturday, February 7th 2015, 12:58 PM
What a lovely surprise! :P

[13523] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Apparitia... | Time: 3h 19m
Pic #3760

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E! @ Saturday, June 18th 2011, 8:50 AM
Ghost Titties! Wooo Hoooo~!
Quark @ Saturday, June 18th 2011, 7:48 PM
Them's some shiny, purty boobs, there.
gd-kun @ Monday, June 20th 2011, 7:48 PM
Seriously. Nice knockers.
S @ Wednesday, June 22nd 2011, 9:53 AM
The boobs always look like they have weight to them, and I love that you draw them that way. Huge tits that defy gravity are just comical and unsexy. Also, I adore the way you draw lips. Wish I had a pair like that! Erm, of lips....
RSJ @ Wednesday, June 22nd 2011, 7:49 PM
Child @ Thursday, June 23rd 2011, 11:55 PM
Beautiful smoothness...but really that last comment ftw.
ichthyoid @ Friday, July 8th 2011, 4:35 PM
dem nurples
Hunsvotti @ Thursday, July 21st 2011, 3:46 AM
christiana @ Friday, July 29th 2011, 5:44 PM

[13505] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Sweet Stockings... | Time: 4h 57m
Pic #3742

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E! @ Wednesday, April 13th 2011, 7:36 AM
Such a sweet girl...won't you help her?
Crash @ Thursday, April 14th 2011, 8:40 AM
That hair is something else. Awesome.
Z @ Tuesday, April 26th 2011, 11:22 AM
The eyes and hair really stand out in this one (among other things!)
Fantastic job as always; I'm not alone in looking forward to your new works when they debut.
Tayley-Chan @ Friday, May 6th 2011, 8:10 AM
That mouth... the tongue... sweet shambling zombie jesus! *UnfUnfUnf*
bish @ Sunday, May 15th 2011, 9:07 AM
there needs to be more Panty & Stocking on this board, imo

so awesome
evilekeeper @ Saturday, June 11th 2011, 12:21 PM

[13484] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: All Jinxed Up... | Time: 5h 54m
Pic #3721

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E! @ Tuesday, March 22nd 2011, 8:52 PM
...Or so I've heard.
cybervid @ Tuesday, March 22nd 2011, 10:14 PM
I was hoping you'd do something after her evil twin sister, Jinxy, came about.
lucy @ Thursday, March 24th 2011, 12:42 PM
excellently done!
those boobs have a life of their own...
cool background, cool heart, fancy hair highlights, yep, yep

[13397] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Minxy gets tagged... | Time: 5h 53m
Pic #3634

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E! @ Thursday, December 9th 2010, 5:54 PM
The wild Minx in her natural habitat.
Cybervid @ Thursday, December 9th 2010, 6:39 PM
That's so hot. About the only issue I've got is with that wrist band. It's very distracting with its vibrant color. Your attention almost immediately goes there before anywhere else.
dj DTHTRP - [Homepage] @ Friday, December 10th 2010, 7:12 AM
Glad we see more of the hot bilingual gal. Just don't forget about me and mah stuff, bud XP [Let's start off 2011 right, eh?]
lucy @ Monday, December 13th 2010, 4:41 PM
Uhh.. my eye didn't go to the wristband
Danielle @ Monday, December 13th 2010, 10:09 PM
same here, the massive mammaries caught more of my attention
Anonymous @ Tuesday, December 21st 2010, 9:31 AM
lovely titties, as always. her bellybutton does seem to be a bit high though.
Cybervid @ Wednesday, December 22nd 2010, 8:18 PM
Hey E! Did you see her "cosplay" of being Elvira today? Yeah. She's not a temptress at all.
dezzer @ Saturday, December 25th 2010, 7:01 AM
you don't see naked women often, do you
doreet @ Friday, January 7th 2011, 9:17 AM
It's very good; the only thing I would argue about,cause it's so detailed,and well done,is the vaginal-venus area anatomy;uh,everything is kinda squashed small,except for that one opening.Does anyone look at porno,regularly,and tell us,is this accurate?Or,maybe you don't CARE if it' anatomically completely accurate.I mean,she's a Minx,not a human,right?And she's had a Brazilian.But labia really rocks.Ah, it's probably accurate.

wait,wait,I know what's missing;NO BELLY BUTTON.ok,it's fine.(is that the button way up at top?)Sorry for being finicky. It's really great.
Curiosa @ Friday, January 7th 2011, 4:12 PM
This is so awesome! :O The colors are my favorite...besides the HUGE TITS! &#9829;
cybervid @ Saturday, February 19th 2011, 5:20 PM
I can't wait to see what you do for the new Jinxy persona she's doing (she's a devil).

[13372] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Minxy Strikes Again! | Time: 3h 31m
Pic #3609

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E! @ Saturday, November 13th 2010, 8:32 PM
No cock is safe! Oh hai.
Riianne @ Sunday, November 14th 2010, 3:43 AM
lol do you ever send these to her :P?
raradolly @ Sunday, November 14th 2010, 2:04 PM
I like all these that you do of this girl. I didn't know she was a real person, I thought she was an OC. :)
Kiriel @ Tuesday, November 16th 2010, 12:53 PM
You've really captured the essence of her face superbly well...
you know,
the cock...
But yeah, great stuff! She's a sexy beast!
Curiosa @ Friday, January 7th 2011, 4:14 PM
omg your my favorite!

[13326] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Minxy play... | Time: 3h 50m
Pic #3563

[View Animation]
E! @ Tuesday, September 28th 2010, 7:19 PM
It's the most kawaii titjob ever, uguuu~!
Crash @ Tuesday, September 28th 2010, 11:24 PM
Awww, Minxy-chan wa kawaii desu~~~<3
Riianne @ Wednesday, September 29th 2010, 12:46 AM
I love you style and the hair is colored in ''that way'' I want it also to have it like that X'D.

anyway I get a bit annoyed about the small hands, they should fit in the height of a head when they are spread.

next to that OMFG nice Background! and please keep drawing :D
gd-kun @ Friday, October 8th 2010, 9:31 AM
Nice nipples.

[13318] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Minx: The Return... | Time: 3h 34m
Pic #3555

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E! @ Wednesday, September 15th 2010, 7:41 AM
Sup guys, back again. Figured I'd revisit that youtube slut I drew not too long ago...she said Kamen Rider was Kawaii, what the hell?

Anyway, hope you all dig it, laterz!
Riianne @ Wednesday, September 15th 2010, 10:03 AM
Hahaha I love it, the expression and nipples are sooo well done, you should draw more :D
cybervid @ Wednesday, September 15th 2010, 12:46 PM
Nicely done. Even better than your previous one. I wonder if you ever send these to her. She usually likes getting fanart, and posting them up for all to see. Although, I don't know that she'd post this up for everyone to, um, enjoy.
GaktaOrakle @ Wednesday, September 15th 2010, 11:25 PM
yum...just it..yes nipples are nicely drawn!
Mr.NiK @ Thursday, September 16th 2010, 7:05 AM
Wow E, Glad to see you are still going after all these years.
This is pretty well done

Andee @ Tuesday, September 28th 2010, 6:14 PM
Please stay longer.

[13197] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Sultry JyNx.... | Time: 3h 17m
Pic #3434

[View Animation]
E! @ Wednesday, April 28th 2010, 7:08 AM
Think this little lady has been waiting for a new pic for quite a while, bit overdue I'd say, hm? Enjoy!
dj DTHTRP - [Homepage] @ Wednesday, April 28th 2010, 8:18 PM
I'm glad to see JyNx back. X) REALLY glad.
~Daniel J.
Hunsvotti @ Wednesday, April 28th 2010, 9:37 PM
What a pretty pussy.
Militia @ Wednesday, April 28th 2010, 11:53 PM
Ah, man.. I really do love your drawings- especially the way you color- but her neck and torso are really buggin' me in this one. Maybe they were just aesthetic choices on your part, but they don't really work here. :[
lucy @ Saturday, May 15th 2010, 4:31 AM
hey, your little logo is really cool.
i 2nd the too short torso, but, the shirt hanging off the boobs is well done

(Edited on May 15, 2010, 4:38 am)
apollo @ Thursday, May 20th 2010, 8:19 PM
I like the way you color

And also in lieu with other comments her torso does seem a bit....short. And as well her neck very very small for her head/jaws.

[13193] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Hannah Minx...uh oh | Time: 4h 8m
Pic #3430

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E! @ Tuesday, April 20th 2010, 8:19 PM
Konnichiwa~ Fearsome...*coughs*

...Back after a while, decided to draw some youtube chick, heh. I only know of her because she has a REALLY nice set of tits, anyway, enjoy!
Gendaru @ Tuesday, April 20th 2010, 10:15 PM
Excellent squish physics
Crash @ Wednesday, April 21st 2010, 4:05 AM
I think I've seen this girl before, she has a little vlog about Japan or something?
Either way, nice pic. Pretty hair and eyes <3 Nice to see you back :3
Cutey Storm @ Wednesday, April 28th 2010, 3:01 AM
she's adorable i love your girlies!!!
Kyn @ Wednesday, April 28th 2010, 5:17 AM
Absolutely awesome, as always.

Though I have to curse you, since I spent a good hour watching her videos after that. The source matches the art quite well!

[13070] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: It's that special time of year again... | Time: 1h 37m
Pic #3307

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E! @ Friday, December 25th 2009, 1:15 PM
Hey guys, just wanted to whip up a quick little Christmas picture, a follow up to my old '04 pic for those of you that remember it. Anyway, hope everyone had a great Christmas today, and got some good gifts. Laterz!
Oddzer @ Friday, December 25th 2009, 2:29 PM
I remember! :D Yaaaaay sequel!
Hunsvotti @ Sunday, December 27th 2009, 2:09 PM
Throw it on imageshack or something and post the URL here.
Seireeni @ Monday, December 28th 2009, 6:45 AM
I wish the tentacles had been more thoughtful and gotten themselves a little more festive look, grey doesn't have that christmas molestation spirit, you know what I'm saying?
She's cute!
Xod @ Tuesday, December 29th 2009, 1:00 AM
Tentacles raping baby jesus, that would be interesting! >;)

[12955] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Unwrapping Kiya... | Time: 3h 28m
Pic #3192

[View Animation]
E! @ Monday, September 7th 2009, 10:18 AM
Hey all, back again. This time around I figured I'd dig into the old game girl vault again. Unearthed(ba-dum tish) this lovely lady, Kiya, who is Daniel Fortesque's love interest from Medieval 2 for the Playstation. Hope you all enjoy, Laterz!
christiana @ Monday, September 7th 2009, 2:30 PM
This is great!...I loved that they put her in the game..made it that much cooler....
Jerpod @ Monday, September 7th 2009, 9:14 PM
I love her lips <3
DeathDealerNadine @ Tuesday, September 8th 2009, 5:44 AM
Yeah, I really love her lips too! And the way the's looking... lovely!
Bailey @ Sunday, September 27th 2009, 7:15 PM
Mmm. I'm a female and I'd like to wrap her up [ba-dum tish]. Very nice work, hun. Like they said, love the lips. Looks breathtaking with the skin tone.

[12910] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Tale of an elegant ghost... | Time: 4h 25m
Pic #3147

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E! @ Tuesday, July 14th 2009, 10:48 PM
Ahhh, Hsien-Ko. Haven't drawn this lovely lady in quite some time, so I felt it was about time that I did, hope you all enjoy, Laterz!
Mujaki @ Wednesday, July 15th 2009, 1:23 AM
Necrophilia never looked so good!
I always liked the custom animation for Lord Raptor/Zabel Zarock at round start when he's matched against her.
Urkel @ Friday, July 17th 2009, 11:32 AM
them hips are delicious..
S @ Tuesday, July 21st 2009, 6:15 PM
This is lovely. I don't know why you don't get more comments. Your work is consistantly amazing and sexy. :)
Hunsvotti @ Saturday, July 25th 2009, 10:41 AM
This is delightful.
Emme @ Sunday, July 26th 2009, 1:54 PM
HOT. All of your art is just delicious.

[12893] [Comment] Artist: E! | Title: Strawberry goo... | Time: 1h 27m
Pic #3130

[View Animation]
E! @ Monday, June 22nd 2009, 10:29 AM
Decided to try something a wee bit different this time around, so have a sample of some sweet Strawberry Googirl, hope you all enjoy, Laterz!
dj DTHTRP - [Homepage] @ Monday, June 22nd 2009, 1:05 PM
Very tasty :9
I shall "Have a enjoy !"
~ ¿¡D
Cybervid @ Monday, June 22nd 2009, 8:13 PM
This reminds me of a friend's RP character. She was a hooker that had been mutated by the apocolypse, and became a gelatin woman that lost her clothes just about every other minute.

She looks both sexy, and sad. She needs a little cheering up.
Crash @ Monday, June 22nd 2009, 8:44 PM
I lol'd at the comment above.
Good job at making her look really, really gooey x) I bet she's a mess to have around.
dadward @ Monday, June 22nd 2009, 8:55 PM
I like the goo! Well done.

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