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[13277] [Comment] Artist: Cutey Storm | Title: DoctorDonna | Time: 4h 1m
Pic #3514

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Cutey Storm @ Monday, August 9th 2010, 5:04 PM
i had a request... ^-^
Donna Noble has left the library...
Donna Noble has been saved!
raye @ Monday, August 9th 2010, 8:36 PM
AAWWW lil fat blobs of cute nesss!

I reconzied the doctor instantly... took me a bit to reconize donna. Even though the doc's face looks off, and donna's face looks fantastic!.
doreet @ Sunday, August 15th 2010, 1:25 PM
I recognize the doctor,this is really good.great!

[13196] [Comment] Artist: Cutey Storm | Title: XIII | Time: 5h 40m
Pic #3433

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Cutey Storm @ Wednesday, April 28th 2010, 2:39 AM
Just a silly something to celebrate their glorious return! ^-^
Matt the Fish @ Friday, April 30th 2010, 9:05 PM
I am also stoked at their return.

If Shingo isn't in this one I'm going to be very sad, but I expect to be disappointed
Hunsvotti @ Thursday, May 6th 2010, 1:02 PM
What's this from?
lucy @ Saturday, May 15th 2010, 3:17 AM
fun breaking out of screen illusion

[13101] [Comment] Artist: Cutey Storm | Title: Mata Hari | Time: 3h 10m
Pic #3338

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Cutey Storm @ Sunday, January 17th 2010, 11:36 AM
I'm your little darlin' make me yours.
With my ton of kisses you'll be lost.
If you try to keep secrets in too deep,
Mata Hari can discover all!
Pop Rocks @ Sunday, January 17th 2010, 12:00 PM
That is awesome. I love the colours you used!
Gendaru @ Sunday, January 17th 2010, 12:10 PM
Fun facts: She was 100% European from the Netherlands, and rarely appeared topless because she was self-conscious of her small breasts. Executed for being a spy, but probably wasn't one.
Matt the Fish @ Thursday, January 21st 2010, 11:00 PM
Gen knows everything about historic breasts

[12935] [Comment] Artist: Cutey Storm | Title: Ranma 1/2 | Time: 5h 46m
Pic #3172

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Cutey Storm @ Wednesday, August 19th 2009, 11:51 AM
For S's and Giggles.... ya pappa ya pappa....
Hunsvotti @ Wednesday, August 19th 2009, 5:22 PM
Nicely composed. I like the details on each character. Sometimes with group shots the artist won't bother.
Mujaki @ Thursday, August 20th 2009, 12:33 AM
Hmm, kind of fitting that while most of the cursed characters are matched up with their alternate forms, Ryouga is completely lost. As usual.
bubble @ Monday, August 24th 2009, 7:49 PM
biscuit @ Tuesday, August 25th 2009, 4:32 PM
This brings back wonderful memories!

I also like how Akane appears to be butting out female Ran-chan.

[12898] [Comment] Artist: Cutey Storm | Title: Dragon Tails | Time: 3h 18m
Pic #3135

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Cutey Storm @ Friday, June 26th 2009, 2:32 PM
Sorry to break up the porn >.<
KiwiNoodleBowl @ Friday, June 26th 2009, 5:37 PM
Breaking it up with quality Mia-hotness is completely acceptable in my not so humble opinion.
cancer @ Friday, June 26th 2009, 8:13 PM
apeirophobia @ Wednesday, July 8th 2009, 10:16 AM
god I love how nouveau your stuff is

[12856] [Comment] Artist: Cutey Storm | Title: AHH Real Monsters | Time: 1h 36m
Pic #3093

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Cutey Storm @ Thursday, May 14th 2009, 5:34 PM
Moro @ Thursday, May 14th 2009, 5:41 PM
You're my new favorite person. I'm particularly fond of her upper arm.
Xod @ Thursday, May 14th 2009, 5:51 PM
Very sexy... although Krumm was my favourite! Awesome girl! >:p~~~
Random Fearsome Lurker @ Thursday, May 14th 2009, 8:11 PM
Am I the only one crossing my fingers for Ickis pinup next?

Certainly a fond way to bring them back to memory.
spork @ Friday, May 15th 2009, 4:40 AM
my cats name is ickis. and i had plans of naming the next one oblina if its a girl.

awesome form and coloring. you did her justice.
as much as i love ickis, i am kind of hoping for their teacher beign next. lol. he was hawt.
clamore - [Homepage] @ Friday, May 15th 2009, 7:37 AM
Yeah, I'd absolutely LOVE to see a series of these... this is great!
Seraph @ Friday, May 15th 2009, 10:12 AM
I like the idea of this, although the striping looks... too much like clothing. I wouldn't have recognized the intent if you hadn't told me what it was.
That aside, it's well-drawn and cute.
Memmin @ Friday, May 15th 2009, 10:40 AM
Haha, I remember that show! This really makes me want to watch it again.. >:D I remember loving The Gromble.. and his awesome red heals.

Anyway, this is really nice! You did a great job on the pose and anatomy! Lovely! And yes, I love the shape in her upper arm, so very pleasing! Yigs!
Marionette @ Friday, May 15th 2009, 2:33 PM
Mems linked me to this! Great work, B! Her figure is awesome... I love her breasts and yes, that upper arm is beautifully shaped. I haven't seen this show in so long... I love how you bring these great memories back!
what @ Tuesday, May 19th 2009, 5:08 PM
I fucking love you. :(

[12598] [Comment] Artist: Cutey Storm | Title: Trick or Treat | Time: 2h 45m
Pic #2835

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Cutey Storm @ Wednesday, October 15th 2008, 8:06 AM
Who wants to give her a kiss and find out?
(sorry... i've been totally old school all weekend)

Matt the Fish @ Thursday, October 16th 2008, 12:24 PM
Nice to see you, Cutey
nikugoku @ Saturday, October 18th 2008, 10:55 AM
I really love the shadding and colouring.
Raine @ Friday, October 24th 2008, 5:30 PM
FINISH HIM! Great job! I really like the shading lines, if you know what I'm talking about. And that pumpkin is brilliant! I think silhouettes are pretty hard; great job on it!

[12568] [Comment] Artist: Cutey Storm | Title: Rose | Time: 4h 52m
Pic #2805

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Cutey Storm @ Friday, September 19th 2008, 9:20 AM
A Rose by any other name...
skiddy @ Friday, September 19th 2008, 9:50 AM
I love your change in style. The thicker lines work wonderfully with your coloring :>
Seireeni @ Friday, September 19th 2008, 12:56 PM
the green scribbles on the background look a bit random and uncomplimenting but that lineart is gooorgeous. Nice composition too, and the relaxed pose adds to it. Mmm lovely face.
Matt the Fish @ Friday, September 19th 2008, 6:10 PM
Rose always had unexplainable hair. nice comicbooky
bubble @ Monday, September 22nd 2008, 4:13 PM
moolti pass?
Sweetcell @ Tuesday, September 23rd 2008, 8:04 PM
Love the thin lines especially.

LOL Bubbles, hilarious.
Raine @ Thursday, September 25th 2008, 3:42 AM
I like this! The bright colours and flashy and great, and the lineart style is really awesome. I'm loving those bubbles and that crazy hair!
Icomeanon @ Saturday, October 4th 2008, 3:40 AM
I believe "a Lisa Lisa by any other name" would be more appropriate.
Capcom's character designers are kleptomaniacs of the worst sort. Fasrsly

[12249] [Comment] Artist: Cutey Storm | Title: Annalise | Time: 1h 37m
Pic #2486

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Cutey Storm @ Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 10:41 AM
O.k.! Alright!
Holy Needle @ Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 10:52 AM
Hey! That's kinda cool :O I love her hair, especially how you have it curled against her face. :o &lt;3
DS @ Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 7:45 PM
For some reason, she really reminds me of Dr. Girlfriend.

Gorgeous style! I especially love the eyes and lips. Great color in the hair.
The only thing I don't know about is the outline to the shading.
Matt the Fish @ Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 8:46 PM
I like that effect, myself
Naill @ Wednesday, April 16th 2008, 11:13 PM
I actually love outlined shading, but I think it would have pulled everything together more if you had done that with all the shading, not just the bit on her face.
username @ Thursday, April 17th 2008, 1:25 AM
reminds me aeon flux.
and shades like in appleseed)
cool pic
Prosopagnosia @ Thursday, April 17th 2008, 3:03 PM
haha i don't think enough people do outlined shading, it's a blast.

really really nice.
Iuvo @ Friday, April 18th 2008, 3:48 PM
I like it. Dig the outlining of shadows. I think I'd like it a lot more if the lineart on her eyelashes and bangs of hair was cleaner - It would fit the neatness of the outlined shadows better. Right now it doesn't seem to match in style.

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