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fearsome oekaki
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[12322] [Comment] Artist: Andee | Title: Henry made a mess. | Time: unknown
Pic #2559


Andee @ Thursday, May 29th 2008, 5:52 AM
(Uploaded by Gendaru)

Thanks :]

Henry's been playing with his food again, even though he knows it makes Suzie unhappy when she has to clean all of the blood out of his cage!

(Edited on May 29, 2008, 9:20 am)
Calli @ Thursday, May 29th 2008, 7:47 AM
this is a wonderfully creepy piece. i guess it says a lot about my mental state when the first thing i thought of when i saw it was 'voting booth' :(
Cola @ Thursday, May 29th 2008, 10:50 AM
Andee @ Thursday, May 29th 2008, 11:17 AM
Wow in a good way?
Kalyandra @ Thursday, May 29th 2008, 12:29 PM
I love it.
apeirophobia @ Saturday, May 31st 2008, 9:52 PM
Very nice composition. I only wish I had cool ideas such as this floating around my head; not to mention the ability to execute them.
blackmyst09 @ Sunday, June 8th 2008, 11:56 AM
You know what, there needs to be a point and click adventure game in this style.

[12313] [Comment] Artist: And | Title: No Title | Time: 1h 18m
Pic #2550


And @ Saturday, May 24th 2008, 10:24 PM
A doodle of my charcter, Dee.
the pose looks akward...
non @ Saturday, May 24th 2008, 11:28 PM
your character is guilty of copyright infringement.
liz - [Homepage] @ Sunday, May 25th 2008, 12:31 AM
does that strike anyone else as a pretty jackass thing to say, especially anonymously?
Erie @ Sunday, May 25th 2008, 6:00 AM
The only thing I can see is maybe a resemblance to that girl from flcl. Besides that i don't know any characters with crazy-huge hands like that.

to be honest, this is kind of an ugly drawing. your shading is pretty good, but the legs and groin lines are way off. the hands are obviously so :P the eyes and hair are good.
Anon @ Sunday, May 25th 2008, 6:33 AM
Viral's sister?
And @ Sunday, May 25th 2008, 10:04 AM
ffff - [Homepage] @ Sunday, May 25th 2008, 10:20 AM
wtf I doubt any of y'all could do any better, besides i fail to see how this looks like Viral or the chick from FLCL
dont say the piccu's 'ugly' just say it has some flaws.
Crash @ Sunday, May 25th 2008, 11:24 AM
I think if you're gonna be a douche, let's not do it anonymously. Thanks.
Anyway, I like this pic. It's true the bottomt half (legs esp.) are kinda off, but And is also drawing this at an odd angle. It's hard to practice something that's at an odd angle like this.The shading is awesome, and her face is definetely my fav &lt;3
Also, I see no copyright infringement. It's also increasingly hard to create a completely unique character these days, so shut up. If the character was say, an exact copy of Haruko w/ different color hair named &quot;Haraka&quot; that MIGHT be copyright infringement.
Kalyandra @ Sunday, May 25th 2008, 12:24 PM
When you're doing solids, you've got to be careful. I see a lot of mistakes in this, most notably being the shakeyness of the lines and how generally rushed it looks. Some of the shading is good like on the hair and face, but in other places it looks rushed, particularly on the thigh area. When doing solids, it's best to make it as clean and precise as possible.

Now I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but I've seen way too many people lately copping out of doing a background by making it the same color as the page itself. Sometimes it looks good, other times it looks like laziness.

Overall I think this pic would be better off cleaner with some type of a background on it.
gd-kun @ Sunday, May 25th 2008, 2:08 PM
Honestly, I think what the picture needs is a shadow or something else under her feet to ground her.

But the linework here is good.
deadcari @ Sunday, May 25th 2008, 3:19 PM
i... i think its the style?
pinkle @ Sunday, May 25th 2008, 4:03 PM
it's just the style guys... i personally really like the simplicity of it. though the hands, even though intentionally large, look kinda off to me. the fingers coulda been done a bit better i think, atleast on her right hand.. they just dont look as creepy as the left. I like the band-aid on the knee and the torso looks nice. Good job
rtardftw @ Sunday, May 25th 2008, 5:43 PM
No such thing as original art, all artists are naturally theifs and there's nothing wrong with that. If you like the way something looks it hurt to replicate it and change it.

Claiming you did it first is different ;O
Alexxx @ Sunday, May 25th 2008, 6:41 PM
This pose is really odd, and thankfully you admit to that. Being in a blue void only makes it seem more awkward.

And yes, I've seen many people around that have latched onto TTGL style, and maybe thats why some people my see a similarity to a character from that series.

But, even if the hands are huge, you have to remember hand anatomy. The hand on the right seems bulgy and off.
And @ Sunday, May 25th 2008, 7:13 PM
thanks for the crits.
but like i said on my comment..this is kinda..just a doodle..sorta xDDD;
anon @ Sunday, May 25th 2008, 7:56 PM
fearsome isn't really the place to &quot;doodle&quot;. this isn't a practice board.
Troggeh @ Sunday, May 25th 2008, 9:22 PM
lets all go cry and cut ourselfs now :(

and by the way, i think most peoples characters are guilty of copyright infringement one way or the next.
And @ Monday, May 26th 2008, 9:57 AM
@anon: i kinda bag to differ on that one.
Iv been stalking here for quite sometime and have noticed a couple &quot;doodles&quot; done by the members here, and yet i have not seen them being bitched at for it.

Trog: I belive some people have aready said that sorta statement, so if you dont have anything new to say besideds 'go cut yourselfs' then thers no need for you to comment. c:
Andee @ Thursday, May 29th 2008, 11:18 AM
She's pretty cute for a mutated freak.

I love the delicate lines.
Robo @ Thursday, May 29th 2008, 9:32 PM
I like your style! she looks really awesome~!
apeirophobia @ Saturday, May 31st 2008, 9:54 PM
Of all the drawings to wank about, I wouldn't have thought it would have been this one. The sweat drops are nicely done.
anon - [Homepage] @ Saturday, June 7th 2008, 2:17 PM
I'm really sorry to be driving this thing even further, but this would not bother me so much if only it didn't look like an eyeballed copy of the link in my URL.
I didn't go looking for that either. It occurred to me as soon as I saw this.

I know you're capable of some really great stuff that is all your own, so it disappointed me to see you draw this without any sort of credit.
Matt the Fish @ Wednesday, June 11th 2008, 8:27 AM
I shouldn't be posting, but if you had just goddamn posted the link to that picture in the first place instead of being a cryptic douche, we could have argued over that instead of assuming you were giving her a hard time about the quality of the drawing or the character design itself.

If you have anything important to say, do it logged-in
anon @ Tuesday, June 17th 2008, 7:12 PM
Sorry about the misunderstanding, but I (the anon that linked the picture) am not a member, nor am I the first anon that called her out. That was the first comment I'd ever made on this board. I dropped by because I know this artist outside the oekaki.
username @ Saturday, June 21st 2008, 2:11 AM
wow, kemonozume hands!
i like it))))

[12299] [Comment] Artist: And | Title: Shake it | Time: 1h 13m
Pic #2536


And @ Thursday, May 15th 2008, 5:28 PM
hello again
this time iv drawn something more promising...
anyway...this is a werewolf of somesort, lets just call him Gallon shall we? He looks like him....
Malpanka @ Thursday, May 15th 2008, 5:56 PM
Oh my, this is sooo creepy. reminds me of &quot;the brotherhood of wolves&quot; or whatever this film was called...
Matt the Fish @ Thursday, May 15th 2008, 7:56 PM
I agree, good show.
Seraph @ Friday, May 16th 2008, 9:04 AM
Is there actually a picture here? My monitor can't make any sense of this. :/
And @ Friday, May 16th 2008, 12:40 PM
Thank you
I apologize for how dark it is D:
Mr. Orgass @ Saturday, May 17th 2008, 12:56 AM
i like how dark it is, so don't appologize.
Cola @ Saturday, May 17th 2008, 10:05 AM
I couldn't see how much detail there was until I tilted my screen forward. Excellent work! Creepy as heck!
blackmyst09 @ Sunday, June 8th 2008, 12:04 PM
Cola: that's exactly why I don't use LCD screens. :/

[12285] [Comment] Artist: And | Title: No Title | Time: 54m 47s
Pic #2522


And @ Sunday, May 4th 2008, 11:29 AM
hey,sup fearsome.
liz - [Homepage] @ Monday, May 12th 2008, 8:50 PM
even though it's furry, it's still pretty rad! great colors. the eyeball especially.

[12268] [Comment] Artist: Andee | Title: Upside down tree | Time: 8h 49m
Pic #2505

[View Animation]
Andee @ Thursday, April 24th 2008, 8:35 PM
I need to break away from the pencil tool.
skiddy @ Thursday, April 24th 2008, 9:12 PM
I like it! Especially the little dude sitting against the tree.
myuu @ Thursday, April 24th 2008, 10:36 PM
Ooh, that's really cool. I really like how the knots in the tree have lots of depth but the palette is still simple.
Gendaru @ Friday, April 25th 2008, 10:14 AM
Hormones called auxins cause gravitropism in roots through their interaction with dense statoliths which sink to the bottom of the cell and effect the polarity of active auxin carrier proteins (possibly due to cytoskeleton disruptions). This change causes auxin to be transported downwards. As the cells at the top have a lower concentration of auxin, they elongate more, causing the roots to bend towards the force of gravity. Auxin has the opposite effect in stems, causing upward growth.

Nice drawing. Sorry for the science guy moment, but I instantly thought of that when I saw this picture. For some reason, to be a doctor I have to understand how plant hormones work.
lawrence @ Friday, April 25th 2008, 12:19 PM
at first I thought this was a spleen or a pancreas or a kidney.. the colors are very biology textbook! then I noticed the little guy leaning against the trunk. : )
the shading is delicate and nuanced for the pencil tool, I think (if that's what it is, I don't know shi tools well). good stuff
Elementalist @ Friday, April 25th 2008, 12:19 PM
I like what you've done without the pencil tool ^_^. Trees and brains are a great symbolic mix.
Andee @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 4:26 AM
Wow Gendaru, I never knew that. I honestly had no intention of my picture making sense. But hey :]
Hunsvotti @ Saturday, April 26th 2008, 10:26 PM
I didn't realize that plants had hormones. The only things I remember from taking botany about ten years ago were something about monocots and dicots, and that taking a sample of a succulent plant and sealing it to a notecard is an exercise in futility.
Gendaru @ Sunday, April 27th 2008, 11:34 AM
Plants even have some hormones that may have partially developed before they diverged from animals. Some insects freeload those messengers to decide when to molt. When the plants are having a good year, the insects consume more growth-associated hormones and molt (thus growing) more often. Oh, and Viagra makes cut flowers last longer, because it interferes with the same enzyme that exists in plants. In humans the enzyme suppresses the erection response, in plants it causes wilting.

The more of this shit you learn, the more laughably impossible it is to ignore evolution.

I also thought brain when I saw this picture too.
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[12260] [Comment] Artist: Andee | Title: If Beethoven had a digital camera | Time: 2h 35m
Pic #2497

[View Animation]
Andee @ Monday, April 21st 2008, 9:13 PM
Would he take myspace pics?
nikkibones @ Tuesday, April 22nd 2008, 10:30 AM
yeah, probably SUPER emo ones, too. I'm beethoven, I'm sad.

But this picture is awesome, I love the shock of red in his ruffle.
??? @ Wednesday, April 23rd 2008, 5:17 AM
He would probably take pictures with his young female students.
Lyesmith @ Wednesday, April 23rd 2008, 10:13 PM
Oh Beethoven. You be pimpin'.
Marathiel @ Sunday, May 4th 2008, 12:23 PM
Mmm, good ol' Ludwig Van. Is that a countdown of his last symphonies there in the background? Although maybe not since no. 10 is in there ... beyond the grave?
Do Mozart and I will fawn all over you. It's true.

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