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Pic #12922

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Comments (NiftyToo Usage)

Marathiel @ Friday, July 31st 2009, 9:46 AM
Hmmm ... I'm fascinated by how differently I choose colours, and style of painting, in oekaki compared to traditional media. I find there's just naturally this light in the paintBBS applet watercolour tool. I should probably be learning something from this. 6._.
christiana @ Sunday, August 2nd 2009, 8:22 PM
You know when I see interesting things like this...I always wonder why there are barely any comments on it...I like's different and i like the style....however i am just one person...perhaps if you put some big titties or some pornographic imagery in it then maybe others here besides me would like it...
Jess - [Homepage] @ Sunday, August 2nd 2009, 10:16 PM
I adore this too, but I am an anonymous, inartistic lurker- so I always feel strange about commenting *_*

The colors are truly beautiful, and I love how impressionistic-ly this comes across.
Filistea @ Sunday, August 2nd 2009, 10:51 PM
Love the shades in the jacket!! <3
Hunsvotti @ Monday, August 3rd 2009, 3:10 PM
To follow up on Christiana's point, when I saw this I thought "woah, cool." But I think that about a lot of pics. I don't want to post "woah, cool" on everything. Never assume silence is disapproval.
a @ Tuesday, August 4th 2009, 9:07 PM
I have that problem too. I often think "oh that's pretty" or something but just commenting that all over the place quickly looks dumb and meaningless
Tiamat4eva @ Tuesday, August 4th 2009, 9:20 PM
mara! it's been ages !!!!!!!
i love the blurry color choices >w<
christiana @ Wednesday, August 5th 2009, 11:05 AM
I only meant that it seems like..(I may be wrong)..but it just appears to me like the cheesy porno stuff gets more attention than some of the really good stuff I see come through here...and naturally I don't feel like commenting whoa..and cool on averything I like either...but I do try to post as much as my time schedule will allow...and i do find some of the porno stuff rather funny...
solve @ Thursday, August 6th 2009, 8:27 PM
This is cool, good colors, and it reminds me paintbbs exists.