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Pic #13236

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phantom255 @ Tuesday, June 22nd 2010, 7:57 AM
now some rhino facts

1. Rhinos are intelligent, and are trained by their keepers in zoos, using clickers and treats (like dogs and other animals), to become accustomed to routines and handling - and even learn to paint!
2. Rhinos make a variety of sounds and vocalizations, ranging from snorts to squeaks
3. All rhinos have three toes on each foot - they are "three-toed ungulates"
4. Only three Sumatran Rhinos have been born in captivity
5. The Javan Rhino is the most critically endangered mammal on earth - there are less than 60 individuals surviving and none in captivity
6. Rhinos use dung (poop!) to communicate with other rhinos
7. Rhinos wallow in mud to protect their sensitive skin from sunburn and insect bites
8. The rhino's horn is made of keratin (like fingernails and hair)
9. There is no scientific evidence that the rhino horn has any medicinal properties
10. The rhino's horn could be removed without harming the rhino and it will grow back (slowly)
11. The world's rhino population has decreased 90% since 1970 (due to poaching)
Danielle @ Friday, June 25th 2010, 11:18 PM
12. rhinos do not actually look like this, because if they did, they would definitely be extinct due to looking and probably tasting like marshmallows
bubble @ Sunday, July 4th 2010, 8:39 AM
Those facts are crazy! Other than the mud and keratin facts, I didn't know about the rest. Like the dung, hehe, the intelligence of them, and that the horn can grow back! Though that last one makes sense since it's made of keratin. Rhino would be sad though :( You got one wrong though:

11. The world's rhino population has decreased 90% since 1970 due to TOASTING to make Rhino s'mores.
phantom255 @ Sunday, July 4th 2010, 11:38 AM
thanks for the correction
and peace to you rhinos! ;)