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Pic #13222

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Comments (NiftyToo Usage)

gd-kun @ Friday, May 28th 2010, 4:35 PM
For her next trick, she'll make most of that tail disappear. Presto!

It sure has been a while since I drew this lady. Now I'm waxing nostalgic.
Andee @ Friday, May 28th 2010, 9:09 PM
Totally thought that was a leech.

Rockin' nips tho!
rayebs @ Saturday, May 29th 2010, 3:26 PM
Ditto to the leach/slug thoughts. Or really, i speculated a tentacle.
gd-kun @ Sunday, May 30th 2010, 12:49 PM
That's okay, the other characters think so, too.
Crash @ Monday, May 31st 2010, 12:30 AM
Hahaha, cute comic xD
I really like the way her boobs just kind of fall. They act like real boobs, but in a good way =P
S @ Tuesday, June 8th 2010, 10:06 AM
Oh, tailsex. <3
lurker - [Homepage] @ Wednesday, June 23rd 2010, 3:57 PM
has anyone ever told you anything negative about your art style? because honestly, it's cute for something like calvin and hobbes but... porn? are you serious? i'll be honest, i lurk this oekaki occasionally and your art always catches my attention in the worst way.
like, is this some sort of dog anthro? if not, what the fuck is the black thing on her cheek? and if this is the case, where's her nose?
Tiamat4eva @ Wednesday, June 23rd 2010, 7:34 PM
'scuse me but; H8er gun h8 much? GTFO troll.
gd-kun @ Thursday, June 24th 2010, 8:15 AM
Yes, I'm serious. Or am I? Wait... maybe not...

Yup, definitely serious. I had to check. I appreciate your concern, anonymous lurker. The internet is a serious place filled with serious porn, and I know that sometimes all it takes is one person to disrupt this delicate ecosystem. Will you ever forgive me for being so irresponsible with our finite internet resources?
lurker - [Homepage] @ Friday, June 25th 2010, 1:02 PM
lmfao just because someone doesn't like a person's art doesn't mean they're a troll dumbass
i just wanted to tell you that this looks retarded
gd-kun @ Saturday, June 26th 2010, 3:13 PM
Someone on the internet thinks my art is retarded?!

Oh nooooooooooooooooooooo
Win @ Friday, July 2nd 2010, 7:26 PM
And this is why I wish I had a tail...
5th Earth @ Saturday, July 3rd 2010, 8:22 PM
Actually, as a different lurker, I've always taken issues with the black shadow thingy on your faces too. I think in pretty much every other respect you are a fantastic, truly talented artist, but every time I try to reconcile that shadow with any sort of coherent, globally consistent facial geometry and light positioning, it just doesn't work. It's like an MC Escher lighting effect, forcibly drawing attention to the fact that what we are seeing is a fictional 2D medium and thus not constrained by what our brains would expect of 3D reality. Which is good if that's the point, but in your art, I don't think it is.

I usually just tune it out, but if I ever stop and think about it, it makes my head hurt. All the rest of your work has such a wonderful curvacious dimensionality to it, even without the benefits of shading, that my brain just can't cope with the fact that the one overt lighting effect that consistently appears in all your images also, as far as I can tell, violates physics.

But all critiquing aside, OMG hawt. Seriously, I mean like damn.
gd-kun @ Sunday, July 4th 2010, 1:56 PM
I can appreciate that. Thanks for the polite input! I don't think anyone's ever discussed it with me in such a direct way before. You are also the first person to call me out on the 2D/3D play.

You are correct: there is, in fact, no way to reconcile it in a three-dimensional space. It's completely flat. When I first started doing it, my characters were also a lot flatter, kind of like graffiti-style paper cut-outs, in how they were posed and drawn from frame to frame (heavy influence from Rodney Greenblat at the time). Over the years, I moved to a more "realistic" body style, but found that I liked keeping the heads as they were: these characters can only exist in a two-dimensional space, and I like drawing attention to it. It gets people really riled up sometimes!

A lot of people interpret it as a nose, which I kinda like. I think over time it's been resembling one more and more. I have been toying with the idea of just running with that and saying, "yes, it's a nose," but I'd have to do some clean-up of older comic pages to keep that logic consistent internally.
5th Earth @ Sunday, July 4th 2010, 2:35 PM
Well, it's a load off my mind that you know what you're doing with it. I always suspected part of it was "for tradition's sake" and for consistent styling, but I was never sure how aware you were about how much of a mindfuck it actually was. Looking back at your older work, I see what you mean about the flatter graffiti-like style, and in those older images the shadow *is* a lot less striking, for me at least. There's less cognitive dissonance, because my expectations are already biased towards unrealistic 2-dimensionality.

Anyway, I squee for postmodernism and love drawing attention to the media and screwing with people's assumptions. I have much more appreciation for the shadow now that I know you're aware of what it's doing on a conceptual level.