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Pic #13590

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Comments (NiftyToo Usage)

fyxation @ Sunday, October 23rd 2011, 8:34 PM
Board's been kinda slow lately =(
Mr.NiK @ Monday, October 24th 2011, 7:22 AM
This was quite funny.
It had a good flow to it.
Calli @ Monday, October 24th 2011, 11:55 AM
oh maaaaan. i hate that guy.

once i went to a best buy, and they had some guy camping out there for some kind of fund raiser. but GOODLORD he STUNK. so bad that I had to leave the store. I mentioned to the employee who was out on his smoke break that they might want to get 'live-in' guy a shower. :(

the worst part is the way that smell -lingers-.

fyxation @ Wednesday, October 26th 2011, 7:52 PM
Apparently, we're not allowed to ask the guy to leave, but we're free to empty a can of air freshener after he's left. It barely begins to cover the stench that he leaves behind.
Mr.NiK @ Saturday, October 29th 2011, 6:47 PM

Your store is private property.
Of course you can ask him to leave. Do you think he could get the money together to get a lawyer to sue you over it? No way. Look at him.

I used to follow customers who left a trail of BO or farted or whatever and shoot the trail behind them with air freshener while they were still there so they GET it.
bakenius @ Monday, October 31st 2011, 1:09 AM
This is like a real-live version of the 'stink-spirit' scene from Spirited Away! :D