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Pic #13439

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Comments (NiftyToo Usage)

dadward @ Monday, January 24th 2011, 5:03 PM

This is a long over due fanart for the mad talented regular here, e!
E! @ Monday, January 24th 2011, 6:14 PM
Well dang, that was unexpected. Thanks a ton Dadward!

Oh, and you might wanna change your settings when you post your pics so they aren't all 'shared' pictures, heh. I mean, unless you want people to be able to edit and post their own versions of them. :x
Curiosa @ Monday, January 24th 2011, 7:14 PM
Whoah! This is super cute/sexy! <3
dadward @ Monday, January 24th 2011, 7:19 PM
Glad you dig her E!. I'll be posting here more often again, so you'll see more fanart from me. Thanks for the 'shared' advice. Didn't even knew I did that, thanks. Curiosa: I appreciate the kind words.