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Pic #12311

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bubble @ Friday, May 23rd 2008, 10:41 AM
(Uploaded by Gendaru)
Thanks again Gendaru ; ; I had that upload problem again, so it wanted to upload my turtle. Anyway, Just sort of disregard the bottom half of the picture. I don't know how to draw rocks or fish.

(Edited on May 23, 2008, 10:48 am)
spork @ Friday, May 23rd 2008, 1:08 PM
this makes me want to watch that show of the guy that drew "happy trees" and stuff. this is gorgeous.
Mr. Orgass @ Friday, May 23rd 2008, 1:53 PM
that would be bob ross, he died a few years ago, was a nice guiy to introduce painting to people. That said, this is great, my main artwork is oil paintings like this. I think you did a great job with depth. I like how you massed the shadows together and showed form only in the light. Nice work
i was looking over your devaint page and i noticed you had a question about water colors. Something if you don't use that helps is the acrylic medium you can mix with them. That will allow you to do layers, cause otherwise it just pulls off when wet again. Also gouache is nice if you want to put in opake areas. Homer used to use gouache, which if you don't know winslo homer, he is one of the masters of water color. I have been into using gouache on black watercolor paper. I personally don't like painting on white surfaces, and watercolor is transparent, so you kinda always work on white. But you might want to look into working with gouache along with your water colors.

(Edited on May 23, 2008, 2:07 pm)
Buninou @ Saturday, May 24th 2008, 4:04 AM
Amazing! O_o
Hunsvotti @ Saturday, May 24th 2008, 2:19 PM
I accidentally deleted a message from Matt that said "oh wow, I love you"

I think that link needs a confirmation dialog...

Anyway, this is really neat. I like how you put so much attention into expressing both the water and air environments, even the red tinge refracting through the surface layer. It must have been a challenge.
Elementalist @ Saturday, May 24th 2008, 2:45 PM
That is a beautiful ugly salmon. It's bizarre how much they change when they migrate. I really like the viewpoint and how the red of the salmon just pops. But, I can't make out whether that tuft of greenery on the right is grass in the foreground or skimpy trees in the background.
hclark @ Saturday, May 24th 2008, 8:11 PM
I love the details of the background o_o
lavalizard @ Saturday, May 24th 2008, 8:32 PM
That's awesome. Very pretty background above the water, and the line where the water begins looks really cool.
Kalyandra @ Sunday, May 25th 2008, 12:32 PM
I've really enjoyed the pieces you've done so far. Keep up this great work. :)
Storm @ Monday, May 26th 2008, 5:13 AM
lol I thought of Bob ross when I saw this too ^_^ I love the trees and clouds =]
bubble @ Monday, May 26th 2008, 11:54 AM
Thanks for comments :3 I've been called Bob Ross more than a dozen times, haha
littlefoundling @ Saturday, May 31st 2008, 10:12 PM
Wow, really beautiful. I love the water line. Makes me want to connect to my NW surroundings :p Really amazing job.
skiddy @ Wednesday, June 4th 2008, 1:57 AM
Lord help me, I love that salmon so much haha. Damn you and your beautiful clouds and stones and, well, you know, everything T_T
christiana @ Tuesday, June 10th 2008, 1:40 PM
This is very pretty..even though the salmon are very ugly at this stage...I like the overall though..