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Pic #13241

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Comments (NiftyToo Usage)

Aya-chan @ Friday, June 25th 2010, 5:35 AM
why the hell i'm drawing shit instead of learning interpolation algorithms? no one knows >_<

(Edited on June 25, 2010, 3:51 pm)
MotherChaos @ Friday, June 25th 2010, 5:12 PM
because accoring to the internet, drawing is more important than education. <3
Danielle @ Friday, June 25th 2010, 11:13 PM
maths can totally wait, this is great. i love her glowing skin and those creepylong fingers.
Aya-chan @ Saturday, June 26th 2010, 2:15 PM
oh, i see (:
bubble @ Sunday, July 4th 2010, 8:35 AM
interpolarbear algorithms aren't as important as art, of course! The colors you used on her face are perfect. the little highlights on the eyelids are just the right size and her eyebrows make me smile. I mean, the rest is great too, but the face is my favorite (I typed family for some reason, lol?)
doreet @ Sunday, August 15th 2010, 2:00 PM
absolutely fantastic.hey,leeches are finally cute!great painting.Yeah,those algorithms are important for the following reason;...(???) Are you going into computer-programming,making programs,ect.?I did art for money,many years ago,and the pay was crappy,plus everyone wanted to do it,it was like trying to become a Rock Star,or a Movie Star.All the artists had "day jobs."I wish I had gone to business school,and done art for myself,because no one appreciated my stuff anyway,or wanted to pay for it.I actually LIKE BUSINESS,but I'm too old to go back to school,start all over.So,yeah,this painting is great,but I'm not sure how many illustrators or painters can make a living off it.Not many.Everyone had a "day job,"or they starved.Maybe the algorithums will help you in computers.