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Is there anyone among us who can debate this? Is there anyone who would WANT to? I say nay. Elected to update the ol' avatar-o-self. Bitch needed a face lift :P Attempted to portray a bit more of the curvaceous size of my actual self. And now to get back to making this rockin' world go round, as is my duty, so says Freddy Mercury :3 |
I'm honestly kinda glad she looks a lot like a guy. Looking like a guy with boobs is kinda something I have on the go right now :P Care to list some of things you find off? Personally I'm not on speaking terms with the hand giving the thumbs up.. it refused to behave for me :P |
Boobs are so so awesome. Your body is rocking. Truth is the best. I LOVE LOVE curves! Also, your simple lineart is really nice. |
I didn't notice how wonky that eye was until Crash pointed it out o_O oi. Fixed? |
The only thing "off" I notice is the hand you've been fighting with. At that angle, we should either be seeing some curled up digits instead of them to the right side orrrr the hand should be coming out of the left side (our left) of the forearm. Go pose in the mirror to check it out. This is adorable, anyway. |
It's all true. |